10 foods to prevent constipation


10 foods to prevent constipation

Yes, we understand that talking about this sensitive issue is not always convenient. However, it exists and must be fought. This condition occurs when the large intestine absorbs all the water from, say, the foods you eat, and all this waste cannot easily leave your body, causing discomfort and even pain. The main culprit of constipation is an incorrect diet, first of all. And the solution may be fiber, that is, soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fibers absorb water in the intestines, while insoluble fibers help intestinal motility. What can we recommend to include in your diet on a regular basis in order to forget about this very unpleasant problem forever?

1. Almonds. These nuts contain heart-healthy fats and other nutrients. They are also an excellent source of soluble fiber.

2. Broccoli. Not eating enough fruits and vegetables is not good for your gut. When it comes to fighting constipation, broccoli is one of the most effective options.

3. Black beans. This is one of the richest sources of soluble fiber: more than 15 g in one glass. In addition, beans are also a “carrier” of healthy protein.

4. Ground flaxseed. It is a versatile source of fiber. Once you grind flaxseed, you can add it to almost any food or drink (great ingredient for health smoothies!). One tablespoon contains almost 3 g of soluble fiber.

5. Cereals. Breakfast is the meal when you can be especially active in combating constipation. Skip the sugary cereals and opt for cereals that contain at least 5 grams of fiber per serving.

6. Oatmeal, sir! A great breakfast choice, thanks to its many health benefits. Oatmeal strengthens the heart, helps balance cholesterol levels, and facilitates digestion. A ¾ cup contains 3 grams of soluble fiber.

7. Prunes or plum juice. Prunes contain the substance dihydrophenylisatin and sorbitol (sugar alcohol), and these are natural laxatives that improve peristalsis.

8. Yogurt. It is generally wise to stay away from dairy products if you are constipated. However, yogurt is an exception to this rule due to its high concentration of healthy bacteria called probiotics. Opt for sugar-free Greek yogurt.

9. Strawberries. The tiny seeds in strawberries are what give them their high soluble fiber content. If you're not a fan of strawberries, substitute a ripe banana.

10. Whole grain bread. It is low in fat but high in dietary fiber and complex carbohydrates, which can help relieve constipation. A slice of this bread contains, on average, twice as much fiber as white bread.

Are you wondering why you are suffering from this intestinal affliction? Want to know what else you can do to ease your stomach problems? Here are some facts to ponder. And draw your own conclusions.

— Constipation is a consequence of the large intestine absorbing too much water.
— Causes of constipation include natural aging, certain medications, and a sedentary lifestyle.
— Constipation gradually goes away when you make changes to your lifestyle: change your diet and start moving more and more actively.
— Using laxatives is a last resort. They can negatively affect bowel function and cause addiction.
— Some people experience constipation as a result of consuming milk or other dairy products.
— People with irritable bowel syndrome usually suffer from constipation much more often than others.
— During pregnancy, women also tend to have constipation due to hormonal fluctuations and pressure from the uterus on the internal organs.
— Metabolism slows down with age, and this in turn worsens bowel function.Flytothesky.ru

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