How to protect yourself from insect bites in nature? 5 proven methods!

Spring and summer are the favorite seasons of most: walks in the forest and near bodies of water, beach season. But with the awakening of nature, its representatives, not the most friendly to humans, also awaken. How to protect yourself from insect bites? Which bloodsuckers bite especially unpleasantly, and which ones are downright dangerous? Let's figure it out.


 There are more than 100 species of them in Russia. And if a mosquito bite itself is bearable (it’s not for nothing that children are told about injections: “as the mosquito bites”), then you must admit that you don’t want to encounter 350 arboviruses that mosquitoes can carry.


 Small bloodsuckers that not only carry viruses and protozoan parasites, but also bite very painfully. Surely you have become their victim at least once - severe swelling occurs at the site of the lesion, the temperature may even rise and aches and noticeable discomfort may appear.


 The insects are large and hard to miss, but they also bite with noticeable consequences. Firstly, it is painful, and secondly, the bite area becomes inflamed and itches for a long time.

A small midge.

 This carrier of pathogenic microflora bites off pieces of skin, its bite also causes swelling due to toxic saliva.


They are considered the most dangerous bloodsuckers; they are capable of transmitting encephalitis and borreliosis to their victims. But what now: be afraid of ticks and not go into the forest?

Fortunately, humanity has come up with at least five ways to protect itself from small "vampires". We will tell you about each one.

Method 1: Protective clothing

This does not have to be overalls, but when planning a walk in the forest or to a pond, you should think about clothes made of thick fabric that cover the surfaces of the body as much as possible. Of course, in extreme heat and for beach leisure, this method is not suitable, but for an evening walk in the forest it’s fine.

How to dress for the forest - basic rules:

  • choose high shoes so that you can tuck your trousers into them (rubber boots are optimal);
  • It is also better to choose high socks;
  • all buttons and zippers must be fully fastened (including the buttons on the cuffs);
  • be sure to wear a hat.

When going to a pond, keep in mind that horseflies are especially attracted to bright colors, so choose clothes in neutral tones.

Method 2: Chemicals with a strong odor

It is believed that most bloodsuckers are repelled by the pungent smell of kerosene, which is applied to clothing. However, smearing yourself with fuel in the age of development of the chemical industry, pharmacology and cosmetology is a dubious pleasure.

Method 3: Fragrant folk remedies

These include tar soap, garlic, cloves and fish oil. Tar soap is used to pre-wash clothes that are planned to be worn on a promenade. It is important not to rinse the soap completely.

Garlic is consumed orally: a few cloves raw. It is assumed that the odor released from the body after eating garlic is extremely unattractive to blood-sucking insects. For people, however, too.

You can make a mosquito repellent based on cloves: pour two tablespoons with warm water and let it brew. However, the effectiveness of a freshly prepared solution is only four hours.

Fish oil is applied to exposed areas of skin. Not only the smell but also the taste of this product is disgusting to insects, much like it is for children.

Method 4: Essential oils

You can apply a small amount of aromatic essential oils to exposed areas of skin (of course, if you are not allergic to them). Particularly unpleasant for insects: lavender, geranium, vanilla, citronella, eucalyptus, anise. The main thing is that you yourself do not get a headache from strong aromas.

Method 5: Repellents from CONSUMED

Special insect repellents: aerosols, creams, lotions, emulsions - the most modern and convenient method of protection, which is suitable for both adults and children. It is only important to choose the right protective equipment against insect bites. CONSUMED has aerosol repellents against mosquitoes, midges, horseflies, ticks and mosquitoes for adults and for children from 3 years old.

Repellents should be applied not only to the skin, but also to clothing and mosquito nets. A special aerosol for application to clothing and other fabric products is in the CONSUMED line of repellents, it is suitable for children from 5 years old. The main thing: avoid contact with mucous membranes (mouth, eyes), damaged areas of the skin and the respiratory tract, this can lead to discomfort. However, the effectiveness of such products today remains the highest compared to the above.

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