Bipolar disorder


Bipolar disorder

Treatment for Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a complex psychological illness, accompanied by a sharp change in depressive, manic, mixed states or alternating depression and euphoria.

People suffering from manic-depressive syndrome experience sudden mood swings that are significantly different from the generally accepted social norm. The problem can be observed irregularly, between exacerbations, a person can lead a completely normal life, after which an exacerbation occurs again.

Main Causes of Bipolar Disorder

Experts agree that there is no single cause of manic-depressive disorder. Factors that may contribute to the development of the disease include chemical imbalances in the brain, hormonal imbalances, genetic and biological factors, and external psychological influences.

Given the high complexity of bipolar disorder, treatment should be carried out only with the involvement of highly qualified specialists who have successful practical experience and the necessary conditions for complex therapy.

Main symptoms of bipolar disorder

Given the complexity of manic-depressive syndrome, symptoms can vary significantly and depend on the current psychological state of the patient, his mood and surrounding factors.

Some people may experience pronounced, regular dramatic mood changes with symptoms of depression and mania. These periods can last from several days to several months, periodically the condition returns to normal. Some patients may experience euphoria or depression for several years without interruption, as well as a mixed state accompanied by regular mood swings.

The main symptoms of bipolar disorder include:

  • Pathologically high sociability, sometimes flowing into increased aggressiveness without obvious provoking reasons;
  • Excessive senseless activity, absenteeism from school or work without a good reason, apathy towards various events;
  • Euphoric exciting feelings that elevate one’s own “I” above other members of society, as well as excessive self-confidence, an inflated sense of self-esteem;
  • Use of drugs, medications and alcohol to combat insomnia;
  • Provocative behavior and other symptoms associated with increased or decreased psychological activity of a person.

Features of treatment of bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder is treatable. At the same time, eliminating the problem is not limited to medication, but requires a comprehensive restoration of the psychological state, including through the work of professional psychologists.

The main goal of treatment is to reduce the frequency of depressive and manic episodes, comprehensively reduce symptoms, and return the person to normal life in a social environment.

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