What to do if you are stung by a wasp

Wasps are not flies , which are common everywhere in the summer and they are able to attack at any time an object that may even potentially pose a danger to the nest. An adult and a child can be equally affected by wasp bites, and you need to know how to properly provide first aid in order to avoid harm. 

We determine the general condition of the wasp bite victim

Since a wasp's sting does not have serrations like a bee's, it does not damage the skin when it stings. But in the process of attacking a person or an animal, insects use their jaws, and this brings no less pain than a bee sting that remains in the wound.

The first symptoms of the body's reaction to a wasp bite are nausea, dizziness, shortness of breath, severe swelling at the site of the bite. In severe cases, severe vomiting begins, convulsions and a sharp drop in blood pressure occur.


For the most part, wasp bites are unpleasant, but they do not pose a danger to human health. Only people prone to allergies and small children should beware of contact with the poison of these insects - the body's reaction is unpredictable. The easiest thing that can happen to you is the appearance of spots of urticaria at the site of the bite, which disappear without a trace in a few days, and the worst - Quincke's edema and deep anaphylactic shock, from which a person cannot get out without help

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