What do bed bug bites look like?

 What do bed bug bites look like?

In the vast majority of cases, a bedbug bite looks like the bite of any other blood-sucking insect - an inflamed and swollen red spot with a clearly visible skin puncture point inside. Often a bug makes not one, but several punctures during one meal. And then you can notice a path of these successive bites at a short distance from each other. But this characteristic feature of bedbug bites does not always appear and cannot serve as the only criterion for recognizing the insect that has sucked your blood. Science does not answer the question of why bedbugs bite differently. However, in fairness, it is worth noting that any insect bites differently - mosquito and mosquito are also different. The bite of one is barely noticeable, while the other is in an inflamed state for several days.

bedbug bites on a child's body bedbugs on the human body
It can be assumed that the peculiarity of a bug bite depends on gender, age and the degree of hunger at the time of the bite. It is possible that a path of multiple bites is paved by an elderly bug that has fasted for a long time and does not have the energy reserves to obtain blood using a “pump” that has weakened with age. Therefore, having received the first portion of food with a wave of “light” blood, he makes the next puncture to absorb life-giving moisture, which, under pressure in the blood vessels, will itself flow into his dimensionless stomach. And so on until complete saturation.

The version may be incorrect, but for recognizing bedbug bites, it is not the version itself that is important, but the awareness that there are always exceptions to any rule. There may or may not be a path. The degree of inflammation and the size of the red spot can also vary. First of all, you need to turn on logic and act by elimination. If it’s winter outside, then mosquitoes, flies, wasps, bees and other flying terrorists can once be ruled out as a possible source of traumatic spots on the skin. Fleas can also be excluded, since their painful bite wakes up a sleeping person better than the loudest alarm clock, while a bug bite may not be felt at all and can only be detected in the morning. So common sense, collecting indirect evidence and investigative actions will help you recognize the culprit of the bite, which will help you verify the presence of bedbugs in your apartment.

If someone bites you at night with similar symptoms, you should immediately order disinfection against bedbugs . Detecting bedbugs at an early stage of infection is not an easy task, so the appearance of unidentified bites should be taken as a signal to action.

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