Best Home Exercises For A Flat Stomach


You can train not only in the gym, but also at home. The advantages of such classes are obvious: you do not need to buy an expensive membership, adjust to the schedule of the fitness club. In addition, the costs for equipment are also minimal. It is enough to have only a mat, and in some cases you will not even need it.

Some people exhaust themselves with diets in order to reduce their waist size, while others are ready to spin a hula hoop or do stomach vacuums for a long time .

We have selected 10 simple and effective abdominal exercises that you can do without leaving your home.

Body lifts

Starting position: lying on your back, bend your legs at the knees, place your feet on the mat, bend your arms, place your palms behind your head or hold them in front of your body.

The girl does an exercise for the press - lifting the body
Photo by Freepik

Technique of execution:

  • As you exhale, lift your body, lifting only your head, shoulders and shoulder blades off the floor.

  • Do not lift your lumbar spine.

  • Watch the position of your head - do not bring your chin close to your chest and do not throw your head back.

  • Inhale and return to the starting position.

Leg swings

Starting position: lying on your back, raise your legs vertically, place your arms along your body.

The girl does an abdominal exercise - leg swings
Photo Kurnosov

Technique of execution:

  • If you have difficulty straightening your legs completely, bend them slightly at the knees.

  • Lower and raise your right and then left leg alternately.

  • Pay attention to the position of your back - it should be completely pressed to the mat.

Reverse crunches

Starting position: lying on your back, place your arms along your body, bend your legs at the knees, and place your feet on the mat.

Girl doing abdominal exercise - reverse crunches
Photo by Freepik

Technique of execution:

  • As you exhale, pull your knees toward your body, lifting your pelvis slightly.

  • Do not raise your head, back, or shoulder blades.

  • Then return to the starting position.

  • Try to lower your pelvis in a controlled manner.

Yoga Boat Pose

Starting position: sitting, bend your knees, place your feet on the mat.

Girl doing abdominal exercise - boat pose

Technique of execution:

  • Raise your bent right leg.

  • Hold the position for several breathing cycles.

  • Put her down.

  • Raise your bent left leg.

  • Hold the position for several breathing cycles.

  • Put her down.

  • Then lift both, fix the position, but do not hold your breath.

  • If you feel discomfort in your back, lower your legs a little, bringing your feet closer to the floor.

  • If the pose is easy enough, try straightening your legs completely.

Bent-leg crunches

Starting position: lying on your back, spread your arms out to the sides, bend your legs and raise them so that there is approximately a right angle between the shin and thigh.

A girl doing an abdominal exercise - crunches with bent legs

Technique of execution:

  • Lower your legs to the right, while turning your head to the left.

  • Change position, do the same on the other side.

  • Make sure your shoulder blades remain pressed into the mat and your shoulders should not rise.

  • To make it more challenging, you can increase the angle between your shin and thigh by straightening your legs.

Arm and leg swings

Starting position: lying on your back.

The girl does an abdominal exercise - leg and arm swings

Technique of execution:

  • Raise both legs.

  • Try to straighten them, if this is difficult, bend your knees a little .

  • Raise your body – head, shoulder joints and shoulder blades. Do not lift your lumbar region off the mat.

  • Raise your arms and reach them towards your feet.

  • Lower your right leg and left arm simultaneously.

  • Turn your head slightly to the left.

  • Then lift them up.

  • Lower your left leg and right arm.

  • Turn your head slightly to the right.

  • Then lift them up.

  • Don't hold your breath.

Yoga Namaskar.

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