Best Exercises for Fast Weight Loss at Home

u are an experienced athlete or still belong to the beginner category, if you want to lose weight and get your body in shape, start practicing them today.

Perform each of the exercises below 2-4 times per week for 3-4 sets of 10-20 repetitions each.

1. Jumping Jack

If you enjoy intense workout programs like HIIT, you know that jumping jacks are a very popular exercise. The benefit of jumping jacks is that they not only warm up the entire body through intense arm and leg movements, but they also help athletes lose weight. 

Increased heart rate, breathing, repetitive movements of the arms, legs, regrouping - all this makes them a good exercise for losing weight in the arms, legs and abdomen.

How to perform

Stand up straight, arms by your sides, feet together. Perform a small jump, with both feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. At the same time, raise your arms straight above your head. In the second jump, return to the starting position, clasping your arms by your sides and placing your feet together.

Athletes who have knee or joint problems can perform jumps, always raising their arms, but moving only one leg to the side at a time during each repetition. 

If you have problems with the musculoskeletal system, you should be extremely careful when performing any sports exercises. Be sure to consult a specialist and consider taking nutritional supplements to strengthen joints and ligaments .

To make the task more challenging, try jumping while simultaneously grouping your body.

Home exercises for losing weight in the sides, hips and abdomen

2. Jump rope exercises

Jumping rope works the entire body, develops arm muscles, increases the metabolic rate, and burns calories.

Research shows that regular jumping rope increases your heart rate due to its intensity, which helps keep your heart healthy. Research shows that jumping rope also increases your lung capacity.

How to perform

Hold the rope in your palms. Stand with your back straight and make sure your feet are level and parallel. Keep your elbows close to your body. Begin jumping, letting the rope or cord slide under your feet. Find a comfortable pace, then gradually increase the speed of your jumps.

Those who want to make the exercise more difficult can try doing 2 turns of the rope per jump or pulling their knees to their chest during some jumps.

Caution! This exercise is not recommended for people with fragile joints or musculoskeletal disorders.

Weight Loss Exercises for Men and Women at Home

3. Jump squats

Before practicing jump squats, it is worth warming up the leg muscles, starting with the quadriceps and buttocks and ending with the calves. Classic squats will help to do this. 10-15 classic shallow squats with your own weight are enough.

Once you're warmed up, move on to jump squats, which, like all repetitive jumping exercises, will quickly get your heart rate up and make you sweat. 

The advantage of this exercise is that it is aimed not only at losing weight in the sides and hips, but also at reducing the volume of the abdomen, since constant support of the body is required to perform the movement correctly.

How to perform

To perform a squat jump, you need to perform a classic squat (leg flexion and extension) followed by a jump with extension. This sequence must be repeated several times and smoothly.

Technique plays a very important role in this exercise. For example, do not land on your heels, instead, lean on your toes and gradually "spin" the soles of your feet to slowly lower yourself into a squat. In this case, your joints will definitely thank you.

The first few times, don't squat too low or jump too high. Over time, for greater difficulty, you can bring your knees to your chest when jumping.

Weight Loss Exercises for Beginners

4. Burpee

Burpees are perfect for increasing your heart rate and body temperature. Without a doubt, this is one of the most effective cardio exercises for activating fat burning and weight loss. You could even say that burpees are the number one enemy of fat. The exercise allows you to work absolutely all parts of the body: thighs, torso, back, shoulders, arms and abs, demonstrating incredible results! 

Athletes who have never practiced this exercise should do a warm-up, for example, start with jumping in place. 

How to perform

Start by standing up straight and relaxed, with your arms at your sides. Quickly assume a push-up position. To do this, place your hands on the mat and simultaneously push your legs back. It is extremely important not to arch your back during this movement. Then perform a push-up. At the end of the push-up, bring your legs as close to your hands as possible, performing a small jump. Return to a squat. Repeat.

Advanced athletes can perform the same movements described above, adding a jump squat at the end of the exercise instead of a classic squat. This will increase the load and speed up weight loss.

A set of exercises for losing weight of the whole body

5. "The Mountaineer"

Like the burpee, the mountain climber is a quick weight loss exercise. It provides optimal cardio and works the entire body from the legs to the shoulders, including the abdominal muscles.

Looking for the best exercise to lose weight at home? Be sure to add it to your daily routine and practice it in different variations.

How to perform

Get into the starting position facing the floor, leaning on your hands. Keep your arms straight throughout the exercise. Raise your right and left knees to your chest as quickly as possible, one at a time.

Be careful not to overexert yourself. Make sure that only your shoulders are working while your lower back remains still.

Effective exercises for weight loss

6. "High knees"

And finally, an exercise that is best done when the neighbors below are not home. "High knees" are nothing more than running in place. Don't forget to put a mat under your feet to cushion each step.

This exercise works on cardio, and therefore is ideal for weight loss, but not only. Raising your knees, if done correctly, will allow you to work your abs and make your stomach flat and beautiful.

How to perform

Stand up straight, relax your body, and put your arms at your sides. Raise your right knee and left arm, then your left knee and right arm, as if you were running in place. It is important to raise your knee so high that it forms an angle of at least 90° with your torso. The goal of this exercise is to keep the effort going for as long as possible. If desired, keep your palms where your knees should be raised, touching them.

Be careful, this exercise can put a lot of stress on your adductor muscles, so be sure to warm them up first by doing a few lunges or sitting on the floor with your legs crossed for a couple of minutes.

If you want to make the exercise more difficult, do it with your hands behind your head. But be careful not to put pressure on the back of your neck!

An example of a home exercise program for weight loss without equipment

In addition to the exercises listed above, it is useful to add a little strength training. With its help, you can tighten your muscles, make your body more elastic and toned.

Before you begin, don't forget to warm up. You can choose exercises to mobilize your joints (neck, shoulders, knees, ankles, etc.), and then some yoga poses such as sun salutation, upward dog, downward dog. It is useful to finish the warm-up with a few forward and backward bends to warm up your body.

A sample home strength training plan might look like this:

  • classic squats;

  • push-ups (on feet or knees);

  • alternating lunges (backward or forward);

  • bridge;

  • side plank;

  • twisting.

It's best to do them in a circuit, alternating between upper and lower body exercises. Spend 3-5 minutes on each exercise. Or vary the load depending on your fitness level:

First level

15 seconds to perform the exercise and 30 seconds to rest

Average level

30 seconds to perform the exercise and 30 seconds to rest

Advanced level      

45 seconds to perform the exercise and 15 seconds of rest

At the end of your workout, don't forget to do some light stretches, paying special attention to the pelvic muscles (quadriceps and glutes), which we often forget about due to a sedentary lifestyle.

Sports at home: advice from a trainer on how to get started

  • Don't tolerate pain. If there is pain somewhere, it is most likely because the movement was done incorrectly. Stop and review the technique.

  • If you decide to take online courses, give preference to video sessions with a small number of participants, especially if you are just starting out. This way, the trainer will be able to notice your mistakes and correct them in time.

  • Avoid doing complex exercises that you are unfamiliar with without the guidance of an instructor or trainer. Start with what you already know and can do.

  • Don't do intense workouts every day, instead alternate between several exercises for 30 minutes, and then do yoga the next day, for example.

  • Don't forget about outdoor training and physical activity in the fresh air. This could be fast walking, cycling, running - any, not necessarily exhausting and intense, activities that will help you get rid of a sedentary lifestyle.

What else will help you lose weight and slim down at home

Before you start exercising, it is important to realize that losing weight is not a temporary thing, but a lifestyle choice.

It is important to feel good and harmonious in your body, to love and accept yourself. The changes will not happen overnight, but they will certainly be gradual and healthy.  

1. Aim for a calorie deficit.

To speed up weight loss, in parallel with exercise, it is worth revising your diet towards a calorie deficit.

A calorie deficit is when the number of calories a person consumes is less than the number of calories the body uses. So if the body burns 2,000 calories a day and you only consume 1,500 during meals, you have a calorie deficit of 500 calories.

However, it is important not to cross the line, not to engage in extreme weight loss, but to follow a healthy diet for the body and ensure adequate intake of healthy fats , vitamins and minerals . The most convenient way to do this is with the help of high-quality and balanced nutritional supplements.

2. Don't snack between meals.

According to research, almost 38% of Russians snack between meals. This, in turn, significantly increases the number of calories consumed per day.

So, if you are a fan of daily snacking, it is time to put an end to it. This will give your body time to burn fat between each meal, especially if you are exercising during this time.

3. Watch your diet.

Try to follow the basic principles of healthy eating:

  1. Eat proteins. Include fish, meat, eggs, cheese, tofu, dried vegetables (beans, lentils, beans, etc.) in your diet.

  2. Eat vegetables. Cooked or raw, they should take up 2/3 of your main meal plate.

  3. Consume starchy foods in limited quantities. Pasta, potatoes, rice, legumes, and cereals should not be the basis of your diet, but they must be present.

And a few simple rules that need to be followed every day:

  • Eat at least 5 fruits and vegetables every day.

  • Limit your intake of saturated fats (baked goods, cakes, sauces, whole milk, very fatty meats, etc.).

  • Increase your intake of whole grains (whole grain pasta, brown rice, bread, etc.).

  • Eat lean meats (pork, beef, duck, chicken, lamb), seafood and eggs.

  • Drink 1.5 liters of water per day. 

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