10 ways to take care of yourself every day


1. Take care of yourself by starting by giving yourself time

Generally, the only time we take some time off is during the holidays. Because we know we have nothing else to do. Nor to think in particular. Just relax and enjoy the moment! ðŸŒ´

It's important to set aside time every day just for you. As I told you with routine and daily running, you end up forgetting yourself unconsciously.

A quick question for you: when was the last time you took a moment just for yourself?

So find a time during the day, even just a few minutes, to do something you want to do. You can also do this by establishing a morning or evening routine , which will allow you to block out time each day for yourself.

Taking care of yourself starts with giving yourself time.

Read: 5 steps to establish a morning routine.

2. Start an activity that you’ve been wanting to do for a while

I'm sure you've already said to yourself: "Hey, I'd like to get started with that." However, you never found it, or could take the time to do it.

To find activities that make you feel good, I suggest an exercise. Prepare a notebook or a sheet of paper with a pen and list all the activities that make you want to do it. Then, note for each of them what are the obstacles that prevent you from doing it. For every obstacle encountered there is a solution. Take the necessary actions to overcome these obstacles and respond to your desires.

Just by taking the time to do something you never found time for, you give yourself importance and you take your desires into account . And you must not neglect your desires!

Read: how to find your passions?

3. Take care of yourself physically

Whether it's going to the hairdresser, doing your nails, doing face or hair masks. These are different ways to take care of yourself physically. (+4 bonus ideas ^^)

Your body is the messenger of your unconscious. Very often certain physical pains are actually caused by the unconscious. Your mind wants to send you a message, so it transmits it to you through your body. It is therefore important not to neglect yourself and to take care of your physical body .

If you have been wanting to go to the beautician for some time, find a time to go and fulfill your desires. ðŸ˜Œ

This also allows you to boost your self-image and self-esteem. Even if you don't do it all the time. From time to time it always feels good!

To read: learn to love yourself and maintain your self-love.

4. Read books to take care of yourself

Before, I didn't like reading that much. I could never finish them. I would start one, and it could take months to finish it. Or worse, never finish it and put it away in my library. ðŸ“•

Reading allows you to clear your mind and think about something else. To give yourself a moment of calm and rest during the day when that's all you do. We tend to do 5 things at once. You know the multifunction syndrome. Reading is letting go and letting your imagination run wild.

The key to reading is finding what kind of book you like . It's not about reading what everyone else is reading. If you like comics, read them. If you prefer police officers, treat yourself! What's important is to read something that you like and that you don't want to stop reading.

In addition, reading helps improve your grammar and general knowledge. You always have something to learn from books. For my part, I really like psychology and personal development (surprising you might say ^^). When I read these books, it gives me inspiration and activates my creativity.

5. Go on outings alone

Being with your friends at the bar or going for a walk with your sweetheart is sure to be very pleasant moments!

For my part, I'm the type of person who has difficulty going out alone. Whether it's shopping, going for a walk or whatever, I always prefer to be accompanied. However, for some time now, I have been stepping out of my comfort zone. By going out alone, I was able to notice some benefits.

One day, I wasn't necessarily feeling well. For some time now I have felt my morale dropping. I was tired of staying cooped up at home and always waiting to be with someone before going out. So I took my car keys and drove to a parking lot overlooking a bank a little further down. And I went walking for an hour on the banks, alone with my headphones.

You can't imagine how much good I felt during this walk. Enjoying nature, calm and just my presence. It was a way of taking care of myself. My morale went up on a scale of 1 to 10, from 2 to 9. Why? Because I took time for myself and to do what I wanted at the time.

Taking time to do activities alone is really important. You give yourself the opportunity to bond with yourself and listen to you in the moment.

6. Meditation to enjoy the present moment

Meditation allows you to enjoy the present moment and reconnect with yourself. As I told you, it's a race all year round. Taking a moment to let off the accelerator and observe what is happening inside you and around you is rejuvenating .

If you have never tried it and are apprehensive about this practice, try at least once before giving a final opinion. You don't know until you try.

To practice meditation you have different solutions. You can do this through guided meditation , by finding videos on YouTube. ðŸ§˜‍♀️

7. Yoga to reconnect with your body

Yoga, like meditation, is a very good activity for reconnecting with yourself and taking care of yourself. As with meditation, yoga brings enormous benefits. Both for body and mind.

The first time I did Yoga, as with meditation, I was amazed by the feeling of well-being that passed through me at the end of the session.

To practice yoga, you can find classes near you. Or find free sessions on the internet, especially on YouTube. However, a session where you are accompanied is, in my opinion, better when you start. Because you can quickly hurt yourself without meaning to...

8. Do creative and manual activities

Creative and manual activities are a great way to take care of yourself! Once the creation is finished, it brings satisfaction. But it also stimulates the imagination. It also helps to cut off the flow of thoughts and to stay focused.

I find a lot of benefits in this type of activity. For my part, I love cooking or baking. It is rare that in these moments I think. It makes me feel good and I love working with my hands!

Writing, drawing, painting, coloring, sewing, collages are also activities that I like to do!

9. Doing nothing also means taking care of yourself

Doing nothing and being bored is not the easiest thing to do! For my part, it's something that I have a lot of trouble doing. However, when I do it, it feels good. Because I allow myself to rest and not be ACTIVE.

Very often we feel like we have to be busy all the time. Sometimes because of the society which advocates production. Or because we feel guilty about not doing anything, telling ourselves that we could do this or that. Allowing yourself to do nothing without feeling guilty feels good! And when I say do nothing, watching TV is already doing something.

No, I'm really talking about doing nothing. For example , sitting in silence and letting time pass. Just standing there doing nothing. It's not easy to do but it feels good. It’s also a good way to connect to the moment.

10. Listen to your needs and desires to take care of yourself

This point could serve as a conclusion to this article. Listening to your wants and needs is essential. It's the simplest and most effective way to take care of yourself every day.

Every human being has wants and needs and it is important to learn to listen to them.

Listening to you means becoming aware of yourself and giving you importance. When your loved ones or friends share their wants and needs with you, do you listen to them? Well it's the same for you. By taking them into consideration, you are then able to respond to them by implementing actions. Like goals.

When you set yourself the goal of creating a business, for example, you are responding to your desire and need to be independent.

Read: why and how to listen to yourself on a daily basis?

Taking care of yourself, the essential things to remember

✔️ Taking care of yourself is an action that must be done daily.

✔️ Taking care of yourself means giving importance to yourself and reconnecting with yourself.

✔️ Taking care of yourself starts above all with taking time and finding time for yourself!

✔️ Doing activities that you enjoy and that make you feel good are the best ways to take care of yourself every day

✔️ The best way to find time for yourself is to make it a routine and a habit

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