How does stress lead to high blood pressure?


Does stress lead to high blood pressure?

Normally, stress in stressful situations can cause temporary high blood pressure, but there is no evidence that stress causes high blood pressure in the long term, but feeling stressed and stressed for a long time can negatively affect general health, as it affects mood, If stress and tension continue, it can cause serious diseases such as heart disease . 

How stress and tension affect blood pressure 

When feeling stressed and tense, the body releases the hormones adrenaline and cortisol into the blood as a result of interacting with the situation. These hormones are responsible for the fight-or-flight response, causing the heart to beat quickly and blood vessels to narrow. This is what causes high blood pressure and explains the high blood pressure due to anger .

But this effect is temporary and does not last, and the heartbeat and blood vessels return to normal once the situation is over.

Stress is divided into two types, acute and chronic, and the effect of each on blood pressure varies. In the following points, we will learn about each type and their effect on blood pressure:

  • Acute stress and blood pressure

Acute stress is stress caused by a specific event that will end soon, such as a difficult work deadline or an argument with someone. In these cases, symptoms of stress appear but completely subside once the stressor is gone. 

The duration of stress and acute tension varies from one person to another, and as long as there is a feeling of tension, blood pressure remains high.

  • Chronic stress and blood pressure

There are some recent studies that indicate that chronic stress causes an increase in the stress hormones discussed in the previous paragraph, causing a permanent rise in blood pressure.

How stress affects overall health

Feeling stressed due to prolonged stress can affect your mood, affecting the number of hours and quality of sleep , in addition to doing some unhealthy things such as smoking, drinking alcohol, or eating a lot of food, and these cause health problems in the long term, including high blood pressure. Blood pressure, clogged arteries , heart disease and stroke.

You must always know the things that cause tension and stress and stay away from them in order to maintain mental and physical health . You can also use some methods that contribute to reducing stress. [1]

When does acute stress become chronic?

Since everyone deals with stress differently, it can be difficult to look for signs of acute stress turning into chronic stress, but we can tell if stressors continue for weeks on end, they can turn into chronic stress that needs to be addressed.

But it can all come down to how a person takes the berries. Two people can be in the exact same situation and it can be more stressful for one than the other. Some people handle stress better and have healthier support strategies or systems.

How to reduce stress and blood pressure

There are some ways that can help relieve stress and tension, which causes lowering blood pressure. Among these methods are:

  • Exercise : We all know that regular exercise is a good way to help people feel better, reduce stress levels and help them cope with stressful situations.
  • Sleep regulation : Focus must be placed on the quantity of sleep and the quality of sleep, and each person must sleep six to eight hours of continuous sleep at night.
  • Getting rid of stress : Getting rid of things that cause stress greatly helps reduce psychological stress.
  • Follow a good diet : Unhealthy foods full of salt and fat can increase blood pressure even before stress turns into severe stress, and stopping eating these foods can help maintain blood pressure.
  • Learn relaxation techniques: Relaxation exercises contribute to gradually relaxing the muscles. Good exercises include deep breathing and yoga.
  • Strengthening your social network Connecting with other people by taking a class, joining an organization, or participating in a support group is a good thing that reduces stress.
  • Learn the art of time management : The more a person has the ability to reconcile work and family requirements efficiently, the lower the level of stress.
  • Medications: For a number of reasons, some people may need to rely on medications to lower stress and blood pressure, but just like the ability to deal with stress, the medication that will work best varies from one person to another and requires consulting a doctor first, and in the event that stress and anxiety cause a significant increase in Blood pressure: Medicines called beta blockers can be tried, and although they are not useful for people who already suffer from blood pressure, they are useful in the case of stress and anxiety that cause high blood pressure, because they help reduce the activity of the sympathetic nervous system and slow the heart rate in case of Stress. [2]

Can high blood pressure cause anxiety

Just as anxiety and stress reactions can cause high blood pressure, having a medical condition such as high blood pressure or heart disease can also contribute to anxiety. Depression, anxiety, and PTSD are especially common after a heart attack. However, you may feel... People with high blood pressure only fear about the harm that high blood pressure may do to the body, and about their overall health and future.

Another source of concern for patients with high blood pressure is the symptoms that can result from significantly higher blood pressure, and these include:

  • Source
  • shortness of breath
  • Vertigo or dizziness
  • Headache
  • Changes in vision

Remember that many people do not have symptoms of high blood pressure, but knowing you have this condition may lead to increased anxiety.

Another common source of concern for people with a new diagnosis of high blood pressure is the need to lower blood pressure with medications. [

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