what are sign of cancer symptoms


what are sign of cancer symptoms

Cancer was and still is one of the most dangerous diseases spread in the world and the most threatening to human life at various stages of life. Below we will highlight a group of initial signs that may indicate that a person is afflicted with a serious cancer.

First: coughing and difficulty breathing

A person suffering from  a recurring cough that does not go away even with the use of medical medications, and is accompanied by difficulty in healthy and normal breathing, indicates the possibility of suffering from lung cancer, which is considered one of the most difficult types of cancer of all.

Second: pimples and moles

Large pimples that leave clear marks and do not heal despite medical treatments indicate the possibility that they contain cancerous cells that warn of skin cancer. Therefore, experts advise that any type of pimples, pimples or moles should be treated under the supervision of specialists before they reach this level of danger. .

Third: Repeated infections

Some people suffer from the problem of recurring infections, colds  and influenza several times a year, whether during the summer or winter. Doctors explain the recurrence of these infections by the possibility of a person suffering from a weak immune system resulting from lymphoma or various types of leukemia.

Fourth: Poor appetite

If you suffer from the problem of poor appetite and unwillingness to eat any type of food for long periods that may reach several weeks or months, this indicates that you have cancer of the digestive system or colon, especially if this is accompanied by a sharp and severe decrease in weight.

Fifth:Constipation and diarrhea

When a person experiences repeated cases of unexplained constipation and diarrhea accompanied by changes in the color of the stool and the presence of blood spots in it, this indicates colon cancer , or prostate cancer for men.

Sixth: Headache and vomiting

It is normal for a person to suffer from headaches resulting from fatigue and exhaustion , but if the headache is severe and recurrent on a daily basis and is accompanied by vomiting, this may indicate the possibility of developing serious diseases such as leukemia, colon, stomach, or brain cancer.

Seventh: Difficulty swallowing

If a person continues to suffer from difficulty swallowing food or saliva for several days and weeks, he must visit a specialist doctor to treat the situation quickly, because this condition indicates the possibility of developing cancer of the stomach, esophagus, or cancer of the lung, pharynx, and larynx.

Eighth: Bleeding

Bleeding in general indicates a certain possibility of a person being infected with a deadly cancer. For example, blood in urine indicates bladder or prostate cancer, blood in stool indicates colon or stomach cancer, and blood during coughing indicates lung cancer .     

Finally, do not forget, my dear, to be sure to consult a specialist doctor if you feel any type of symptoms that we mentioned to you, in order to treat the disease before it worsens and reaches serious levels that are difficult to treat.

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