what is the fastest way to cure anemia

what is the fastest way to cure anemia

 Blood consists of four basic elements: plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. These elements work to contribute to nourishing the body and maintaining human health and safety. Below we will highlight the most important symptoms of anemia and the foods that help treat this problem. Serious.

First: The most important functions that blood performs in the body

  1. Blood transports nutrients and necessary vitamins to all parts of the body.
  2. Providing the body with energy and vitality that helps strengthen it and protect it from weakness.
  3. Maintaining the amount of natural fluids in the human body to prevent dehydration.
  4. Protecting humans from serious diseases.
  5. Cleansing the body of toxins  and harmful waste.
  6. Transporting pure oxygen to the lungs and to all parts of the body.

Second: Symptoms of anemia

  1.  Being constantly tired and exhausted.
  2. Nervousness and severe emotions.
  3. Feeling depressed and some other psychological disorders.
  4. Having a severe headache.
  5. Pale face and eye color.
  6. Inability to concentrate and do daily tasks.
  7. Severe dizziness, especially immediately after waking up.
  8. Shortness of breath and a feeling of numbness in the extremities, such as the hands and feet.
  9. Insomnia and inability to sleep comfortably during the night.

Third: Factors that increase the possibility of a person suffering from anemia

  1. Smoking of various types.
  2. Alcohol addiction and harmful drug use.
  3. Following wrong eating habits, such as eating ready-made meals and processed foods.
  4. Addiction to drinking soft drinks .
  5. Some genetic factors, such as a relative suffering from this disease.

Fourth: severe symptoms of anemia

  1. Rapid heartbeat.
  2. General infections of the mouth and tongue in particular.
  3. Nails become weak  and deformed.
  4. Bone deformities.

Fifth: The most important foods that help prevent anemia

  1. Eat daily meals of fat-free red meat, which contributes to treating the problem of anemia.
  2. Eat daily meals of grilled or boiled chicken because it helps the body absorb iron.
  3. Eat an egg every morning because it contains a large amount of iron.
  4. Eat weekly meals of healthy fish, especially tuna.
  5. Eat three tablespoons of a mixture  of natural nuts , such as almonds, walnuts, cashews, and hazelnuts.
  6. Eat meals of leafy vegetables such as chard, spinach, lettuce, and cabbage.
  7. Eat foods that contain folic acid, such as various types of fruits, especially oranges , apples, beets, and carrots.
  8. Eat meals containing foods that contain antioxidants, such as pomegranates, apples, cherries, and strawberries.

Finally, we advise you, dear, to be sure to consult a specialist doctor if you feel any of the symptoms of anemia, so that you can receive appropriate treatment before the situation worsens and develops

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