Prevent colds with ginger in chilly weather! / Ginger’s benefits, dosage, precautions


Benefits of Ginger

Introduction to Ginger

Ginger is a perennial herb belonging to the ginger family and the order Ginger that grows in Southeast Asia. Ginger is also called an all-purpose medicine because it contains many ingredients that are good for the human body. Ginger, like potatoes, uses rhizomes and is widely used around the world as a spice, medicine, and oil. 

Ginger contains acetic acid, α-linolenic acid, α-phellandrene, α-pinene, α-terpinene, α-terpineol, arginine, ascorbic acid, β-sitosterol, boron, caffeic acid, camphor, capsaicin, and chlorogenic acid. Included. It also contains 8-cineole, which is used as an anti-inflammatory agent, and gingerol, which acts as an anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory agent.

Benefits of Ginger

Antioxidant activation

Ginger's main ingredients, gingerol, shogoal, and zingerone, help with anti-acid activity. Zingerone is a powerful antioxidant compound that protects DNA and intestines from oxidative damage.

anticancer activity

Recent studies have shown that the compounds gingerol, zingerone, and shogoal have anticancer effects against various types of malignancies, including prostate, liver, colon, and oral cancer.

antifungal activity

Ginger has antifungal effects against a pathogenic fungus called Candida albicans, making it effective in treating candidiasis conditions such as vaginitis.

antidiabetic activity

One study found that ginger extract helped lower serum cholesterol and blood pressure.

Benefits of Ginger

Hepatotoxic activity

High levels of pollution result in exposure to several toxins, leading to many diseases related to the liver. Liver dysfunction is mostly managed with herbal treatment, and ginger is a natural ingredient that is good for protecting the liver. 


The use of antibiotics is the most effective way to prevent many diseases. However, as the use of antibiotics increases, the resistance of all microorganisms increases, which may lead to stronger diseases. This resistance can be prevented by using herbal extracts. Gingerol, a component of ginger, is said to be effective against many harmful microorganisms.


cardiovascular activity

Ginger acts as a heart tonic, reducing blood clotting and reducing cholesterol, thereby reducing thrombosis.

antidepressant activity

A study in albino rats found that ginger extract was associated with potential antidepressant activity.

gastrointestinal protective activity

Ginger's main ingredients are mainly anti-ulcer properties and protect the stomach by increasing mucus secretion.

The above benefits of ginger help the respiratory, digestive, and nervous systems, increase immunity, and help restore vitality to the body.

Benefits of Ginger

Ginger intake depending on the situation


If you have an upset stomach or want to improve digestion, eat a little salt and 1/2 to 1/4 teaspoon of dried chives before a meal, or take a little ginger juice or ginger syrup.


Mixing ginger with oil and applying it to your forehead can help relieve headaches associated with colds.

cold compress

You can make cold compresses more effective by mixing ginger juice and honey and taking about a teaspoon.

menstrual cramps

Ginger tea is good for relieving colds and menstrual cramps. You can make tea by boiling fresh or dried ginger in water with pepper and basil leaves, or mix it with honey and drink it as a sweet tea.

Precautions when consuming ginger

Since ginger has ingredients that warm the body, it is best to consume it in small amounts or avoid it during the summer. It is also recommended to avoid those with a high temperature constitution. Excessive consumption of ginger can cause bleeding menstruation, bleeding, or bleeding ulcers, so it is recommended to consume it in moderation.

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