How to get rid of wrinkles at home - tips, recipes


How to get rid of wrinkles at home - tips, recipes

The appearance of wrinkles is inevitable: age-related changes will sooner or later take their toll. But this does not mean that you do not need to take diligent care of your skin! The more you invest in grooming, the better you will look for your age.

Facial care can be done at home or in a salon. But it is better to combine both. Today we’ll talk about home anti-aging care. What are the main methods for getting rid of wrinkles at home:

  • Homemade products: creams, masks, tonics and lotions. They have a natural composition, but are almost not stored;
  • Self-massage of the face;
  • Face fitness – exercises for the facial muscles;
  • Taping.

Let's look at each method in turn. We recommend using them all, because together they are always more effective!

Face masks

Let's start with a popular home remedy for wrinkles - homemade masks. They don't require much effort: you already have most of the ingredients in your kitchen. Also, they do not need to be stored - the masks are prepared for one time. This means there is no need to worry about the stability of the composition.


Apply any mask to cleansed skin. First, steam your face by holding it over a bath or using a hot towel. Then exfoliate for deep cleansing or use a scrub. Choose gentle products.

Keep the prepared composition on your face for about half an hour. Rinse off like this: first remove the bulk of the product with a wet towel, then wash with water. Then you need to blot the skin with a napkin and apply a tonic to restore the pH of the skin. The final touch is a moisturizer with an anti-aging effect.

Now let's look at several recipes for anti-wrinkle masks that are easy to prepare at home.


Gelatin is an effective anti-wrinkle remedy, as it consists of pure collagen. It gives elasticity, softness, cleanses pores and evens out the complexion. You need to dissolve gelatin in any freshly squeezed juice. Once the mixture has cooled in the refrigerator (but not hardened), apply to your face. You should not touch the eyelid area.



You will have to tinker a little with this mask: it is applied in stages. But the recipe itself is simple: 1 ripe banana, a teaspoon of full-fat sour cream and juice from half a lemon. Mix everything in a blender and apply in layers: each new layer after the previous one has dried. Yes, it may take an hour, but the result is worth it!


Clay is a popular home remedy for wrinkles. You again need the juice of half a lemon, also a teaspoon of sour cream and honey, 2 tablespoons of blue clay. They say that Queen Cleopatra herself used such a mask! Blue clay rejuvenates, tightens the skin, and also draws out toxins from it.

Mix all ingredients and apply to face except the area around the eyes. There may be a slight tingling sensation, but this is normal. The mask does not have a wow effect: to see the result, you will have to undergo a course of procedures. But after the course, the skin will become smooth and tightened, the face will noticeably freshen up.


Have you heard about the cosmetic properties of potatoes? By the way, this cheap vegetable is a source of valuable vitamins and microelements. And the choline it contains has a powerful rejuvenating effect. Let's prepare a mask with potatoes for smooth skin!


Boil 2 medium potatoes, cool and mash into a homogeneous mass. Complete with the following ingredients:

  • A teaspoon of sunflower oil;
  • 5 g glycerin;
  • 2.5 teaspoons each of sour cream and milk.

You can find other popular recipes for homemade anti-wrinkle masks on the Internet. These components are most often used for smooth skin:

  • Fatty dairy products;
  • Raw eggs;
  • Honey;
  • Sour fruits and berries;
  • Glycerol;
  • Starch;
  • Gelatin;
  • Oils: peach, shea, argan, almond, cocoa, wheat germ.

Homemade anti-wrinkle creams

We will touch on not only masks, but also homemade creams. This is a less popular method, because such creams do not store well, but we recommend trying it at least once. Those who undertake to prepare homemade cream praise the results very much. The ingredients are completely natural and cannot harm the skin.

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Butter cream. Take 20 g of coconut oil, 30 g of beeswax, 5 g of rose and geranium oils, and vitamin E. Melt all solid ingredients, mix with oils and apply to a clean face. It is advisable to overnight so that all excess is absorbed.

Gelatin cream. A favorite homemade cream for many women, it perfectly tightens and smoothes out wrinkles. Take 1 teaspoon of dry gelatin, mix with 100 g of glycerin and 100 ml of water. Add 2 g of salicylic acid and 2 tbsp. l. honey Steam everything in a water bath until smooth. Store in the cold.

Self-massage of the face

   The next effective way is self-massage:

  • Improves blood flow, as a result of which nutrients and oxygen are more actively delivered to cells;
  • Normalizes cellular metabolism;
  • Increases skin elasticity naturally and tones.

And that's just briefly. In general, the effect of a good massage is comparable to salon procedures. Of course, we are talking more about professional massage, but you can also achieve impressive results at home.


First of all, let's talk about buccal massage. He is considered the main miracle worker among rejuvenating techniques. With this massage, the face is worked not only from the outside, but also from the inside, through the mucous membranes of the cheeks and mouth. This way you can reach the deepest muscles.

Next, the equally popular Jacquet pinch massage: the deep layers of the skin are worked through pinch movements. As a result, you will see not only a rejuvenating effect, but also lymphatic drainage, and inflammation will disappear. You need to do this massage once every 4 days, and expect the first visible results in a month.

And finally, Japanese Asahi facial massage is also a popular technique against wrinkles at home. The complex is on YouTube, it takes only 10 minutes a day, but what a result! The movements are simple, the main thing is not to be lazy and do them regularly.

When giving yourself an anti-wrinkle facial massage, do not forget about proper preparation. The skin should be cleansed and moisturized; it should not be massaged on dry skin, so as not to stretch it. You can also pre-steam the skin, so the muscles will become more pliable.

Face fitness

Oddly enough, facial muscle exercises also help get rid of wrinkles at home! Although, it would seem, what does the muscles have to do with it? But the muscles are attached to the skin, representing a sort of movable frame. Every tension and every pressure immediately affects the condition of the skin.

To learn facial exercises, you can read a self-instruction book or subscribe to the corresponding YouTube channel. Or take courses: many face fitness trainers work online, you don’t have to go anywhere.

Face fitness is shown at any age; it is never too early or too late to start doing it. Everyone has facial muscles, and they can just as easily be out of tone as the body muscles. Young people, by exercising, invest in their appearance in the future, and with their face.


To finally convince you, we’ll tell you what face fitness can do:

  • Cheekbones become chiseled;
  • The double chin disappears;
  • Cheeks tighten, jowls disappear;
  • The oval of the face is drawn without any surgical interventions;
  • The corners of the lips rise;
  • Muscle habits disappear: pursing your lips, raising your eyebrows, wrinkling your forehead, etc. These uncontrolled habits can give us wrinkles as early as 20 years old.

In short, face fitness works real wonders on the face. The effect is reminiscent of plastic surgery. The most important thing is to practice every day, and then your peers will be perplexed: what miracle remedies do you use, how much do they cost?


Taping is a newfangled method of getting rid of wrinkles. Perfect for home use, because all you need is to buy tapes and learn how to glue them. Tape is a cotton adhesive tape that is placed on the face according to a certain pattern. The tape lifts the skin and seems to paralyze the muscle underneath.

As a result, the muscle relaxes and its spasm is relieved. Lymph flow improves, swelling goes away, wrinkles and folds smooth out. You can also use tapes to remove unwanted facial habits. The main thing is to learn how to position them correctly.


Buy tapes only in medical stores, do not save money. The effects will take a couple of weeks to appear, so be patient. But what a one! Tapes are worn for up to 10 hours a day to achieve good results. Ideal for home use!

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