How to lose 10 kg in a month and is it possible?

 Is it possible to lose 10 kg in a month? What rules should you follow for healthy weight loss? How to create a menu, workout plan and lose weight safely at home is discussed further in the article.

Rules for balanced weight loss

It may seem that losing 10 kg in a month is quite possible. The truth is that you need to lose weight gradually.



1 kg of fat contains 7716 kcal

To burn 7716 kcal, you need to jog for more than 15 hours or bike for 30 hours.

If you go on an extreme diet, trying to urgently lose excess weight, the body will first break down muscle, not fat.

A person weighing 70 kg without harm to health can lose about 3 kg in a month if he balances his diet and adds cardio exercise

When trying to lose 10 kg in a month, the body experiences acute hunger and physical stress. Severe stress can result in problems with the gastrointestinal tract and musculoskeletal system. It is important to adhere to the basic rules of losing weight.

No rush

Healthy weight loss is about losing about 1% of your current weight per week, not an urgent endeavor when there are a few days left before an important date.

A sudden change in diet is a great stress for the body. If you start fasting or limit your diet too strictly, after leaving the diet, the kilograms can quickly return, and even with an increase. This is how the body compensates for the loss and tries to increase its reserve in case the situation repeats.

More water

Every day for every kilogram of weight you need to drink about 30 ml of clean water. When calculating this norm, gender and age are not so important, but you should pay attention to climatic conditions and the level of physical activity. So, it’s worth adding an extra glass of water in winter if you often feel hot in a warm down jacket. An additional portion of water would also be useful for those who like to walk a lot - the body uses up liquid faster during movement.

Why is it better to drink pure water? Scientists understand liquid as water, juices with compotes, broths, as well as tea and coffee. For those who want to lose excess weight, clean water is a kind of protection against excess calories. And besides, any liquid containing sugar, fiber and other substances provokes the production of gastric juice. It's so easy to confuse thirst with hunger and eat too much. For example, the same coconut water, containing natural sugars, leads to an increase in insulin levels and provokes the gastrointestinal tract to start digestive processes.

Avoiding unhealthy and non-nutritious foods

Sweets, fried foods and other unhealthy foods are “empty” calories, which the body quickly stores for future use. The main enemies of a person who wants to effectively lose weight are trans fats.

Why should you be wary of trans fats? Fats in general are a necessary component of the daily diet. This is the body’s energy “warehouse” and a building material for building cell membranes. Trans fats are molecules that appear in certain vegetable oils when they are repeatedly processed at high temperatures. This is not poison in its pure form, but with regular use it can lead to impaired metabolism and the threat of obesity, decreased levels of testosterone in men and estrogen in women, increased cholesterol, etc. The most trans fats are found in French fries, donuts, chicken strips, and chips.

Calorie counting

In order not to eat too much, you need to calculate your calorie intake and reduce this amount by 5–10%.

To calculate your calorie intake, you can use the Mifflin-Saint-Geor formula. It is considered one of the most accurate and reliable. The good thing about the formula is that it takes into account load levels, from minimal, say, for sedentary office work, to high – for those who train twice a day or work hard physically.

Let us note once again that you need to lose weight gradually - you shouldn’t “tear” too much at the start, as this is fraught with breakdowns, the return of kilograms after leaving the diet and even health problems: hair loss, gallstones, vitamin deficiency, etc.

Monthly weight loss plan

For people with excess weight of more than 5 kg, losing weight in a month is only the first stage of a comprehensive program. Approximate nutrition and training plan for 4 weeks:

  1. In the first week you need to balance your diet. Complex carbohydrates and sufficient amounts of protein are included in the menu. You should also start training 2-3 times a week. You can alternate fitness, running and other types of cardio with strength training.
  2. From the second week, the sports load can be increased. The diet can be left the same in terms of calories, but it is advisable to diversify in content. To ensure that losing weight in a month does not end in failure, you can carefully introduce light snacks. Feeling full is the best way to keep your appetite under control.
  3. In the third week, you can already enjoy the first fruits of real results, and the threat of failure becomes less. Sports activities can be adjusted based on your wishes for gaining muscle mass. It wouldn’t hurt to include strength training for individual muscle groups.
  4. In the fourth week , you can add additional training and recalculate your calorie intake taking into account your new weight.

Menu for quick weight loss

Safe weight loss in a month should not be accompanied by a constant feeling of hunger. Therefore, the diet should be as balanced as possible. Main menu items for the day (they can be adjusted to suit personal tastes):

  1. Breakfast. It accounts for at least 20–30% of the daily calorie intake. The first meal should include whole grain cereals, dried fruits, nuts, cottage cheese, seafood and other nutritious foods.
  2. Dinner. At this time, you need to provide the body with protein, fiber and beneficial microelements. Boiled lean meat or fish, vegetable salad seasoned with a spoonful of vegetable oil - olive, flaxseed, hemp or any other - will be just right.
  3. Dinner. It is advisable to prepare baked vegetables, a light salad with herbs, and seafood. Also, evening is the best time to eat light yogurt without sweet additives or drink kefir.

Vegetables and fruits, small portions of cottage cheese or kefir, salads with or without low-calorie dressing are suitable as a snack throughout the day.

To lose weight in 30 days, you need to limit yourself to high-calorie foods and include more fiber in your menu - it gives you a quick feeling of fullness.

Lose weight in 30 days: fat-burning workouts

No crash course in weight loss is complete without exercise. They allow you to burn extra calories, strengthen your heart, and make losing weight in a month healthier. You can practice at home, in comfortable conditions and away from prying eyes. To prevent the body from getting used to the load, you need to alternate and combine training for different muscle groups:

  • for the whole body - side, reverse and regular plank, burpees, speed skater, reverse bridge leg raises, leg raises with boxing;
  • legs, buttocks - forward and reverse lunges, jumping squats, alternate leg swings forward, backward and to the side, gluteal bridge;
  • arms and back - push-ups, pumps, arm raises with dumbbells, plank lifting and lowering, pull-ups;
  • press - forward and reverse crunches, bicycle, scissors, double torso lift, corner, lying side bends.

These exercises and their variations will make losing weight in a month more effective and help tighten your skin.


⋙ I lost 3 kg in two months, but my thighs remained the same. What to do?

✅ You need to add exercises for your hips and buttocks, review your diet and make sure there are no unaccounted calories in your diet. An example of this would be sugar in tea or coffee.

⋙ One program on the Internet, something like “Lose weight in 30 days to ideal shape,” promises a loss of up to 1 kg per day. As much as possible?

✅ Even the most intense training program and the most limited nutrition, such as a raw food diet, do not allow you to lose weight so effectively and quickly.

⋙ What is the maximum amount of tea and coffee you can drink per day without it affecting your figure?

✅ You can drink tea and coffee in almost any quantity. The calories are not so much in the drinks themselves, but in the additives to them - milk and sugar. A teaspoon of sugar contains 20–28 kcal.

⋙ Immediately after the diet I gained a lot of weight. How to maintain weight?

✅ After completing the weight loss process, you need to monitor your diet no less carefully and not consume extra calories. This should become a way of life - only in this case the weight will be maintained for six months or longer.

⋙ Is it possible to lose weight by adjusting your diet, but not exercising?

✅ Yes, it is possible, it will just take longer. But you need to remember that it is physical activity that makes the body fit and helps you become slimmer in a short time.

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