Diet for diabetes: menu for the week

Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes and often occurs after age 40. Type 1 diabetes is more often diagnosed in children and young people, and these patients require lifelong insulin.

In addition to these forms, there is gestational diabetes in pregnant women. This condition occurs when hormones released during pregnancy block insulin. The condition requires medical supervision, but most often after childbirth everything returns to normal.

Patients with diabetes need to follow a low-carbohydrate diet. They need to take into account the glycemic index of foods and replace sugar with natural substitutes. These include, for example, stevia extract.

Menu for a week for diabetes

The goal of nutrition for diabetes is to avoid sugar spikes. To do this, it is recommended to eat in small portions and not forget about snacks. You can use cottage cheese, kefir, and nuts as snacks.


Breakfast: poached egg, half an avocado, a slice of whole grain bread and an orange.

Lunch: stewed beans with spinach and tomatoes, a piece of low-fat cheese.

Dinner: stewed vegetables and 200 g of baked turkey.


Breakfast: sugar-free oatmeal with berries and nuts.

Lunch: salad of spinach, chicken breast, carrots and avocado, orange.

Dinner: lentils, boiled chicken breast, cucumber and tomato salad with fresh basil.


Breakfast: vegetable omelet with herbs, champignons, bell peppers and avocado.

Lunch: baked fish, stewed vegetables, a slice of whole grain bread.

Dinner: bean and corn stew (not canned!), chicken breast.


Breakfast: two whole grain toasts with cheese and spinach.

Lunch: stewed cabbage, baked turkey.

Dinner: salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, herbs and cheese.


Breakfast: two boiled eggs, blueberries.

Lunch: stewed beans, boiled beef.

Dinner: chicken breast, buckwheat porridge, cucumber.


Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese without sugar.

Lunch: steamed beef cutlets, dietary champignon soup.

Dinner: vegetable salad with herbs, a piece of cheese.


Breakfast: omelet with tomatoes and herbs.

Lunch: grilled or baked fish with vegetables, lettuce, a slice of whole grain bread.

Dinner: Stewed rabbit, baked cauliflower and broccoli.


Diabetes is a chronic endocrine disease characterized by impaired carbohydrate metabolism. Diabetes has no cure, but it can be controlled.

In diabetes, the pancreas either disrupts the production of the hormone insulin, which is responsible for regulating blood sugar levels (type 1 diabetes), or the cells lose the ability to perceive insulin (type 2 diabetes).

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