Psychiatrist's advice for improving mental and emotional health

When physical health problems arise, we most often know what preventive measures to take to avoid getting sick. The same cannot be said about mental health; people often forget that it also needs to be taken care of. Anastasia Kuznetsova, a psychiatrist and narcologist at the Polotsk Regional Psychiatric Hospital, spoke about the five components of mental health.

1. Healthy food 

Body and mind are connected. For example, a deficiency of certain nutrients in the human body can cause stress or anxiety, and alcohol consumption can lead to addiction. Therefore, you should monitor your diet, eat healthy foods and do not overindulge in unhealthy foods. 

2. Get enough sleep 

Have you noticed that when we don't get enough sleep, we become more irritable or hot-tempered? Sleep, like food, is closely linked to mental health. People who sleep little or poorly are more likely to experience anxiety disorders and stress, and they have a higher risk of developing depression. Therefore, you need to monitor your sleep, it is advisable to determine how much sleep is needed, create a regimen and follow it.

3. Having a hobby that you like to improve in 

To prevent a person from getting caught up in routine, it is necessary to be distracted from it. In addition to home and work, it is advisable to have some kind of hobby that brings pleasure and a desire to improve. Thus, a person feels more free and becomes open to learning something new.

4. Communicate with people you can trust 

These are relatives, partners, friends or acquaintances who can support you in difficult times and be happy for you if something good happens in life. In the absence of such people, a person will accumulate emotions within himself and may feel lonely, which negatively affects mental health.

5. More reality and less social networks 

The longer people live in the virtual world, the more stressed they are, because social networks often impose ideal images and a happy life that is difficult or impossible to live up to. Often photographs and pictures do not reflect reality, but show only part of it or do not reflect reality at all, therefore, in order not to compare yourself with others and look at things realistically, you need to spend less time in the virtual world.

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