Best foods for depression and anxiety

 Best foods for depression and anxiety

Depression is a rapidly spreading disease in the present era / file photo
Depression is a rapidly spreading disease in the present era / file photo

Depression is a mental illness that is spreading very rapidly in the present era and it causes people to change their lives.

Depression is a complex mental illness in which sufferers are often depressed and may feel helpless all the time.

Everyone experiences symptoms of depression at some point in life due to sadness or trauma.

Depression is not just a disease confined to the 'mind' but also affects the body as a result.

But some foods can help reduce the severity of its symptoms.

The relationship between diet and depression

A 2017 study found that consuming a healthy diet reduced the severity of symptoms in people with depression.For this purpose, one should consume more of nutrient rich foods and less of junk food and sweets.

Research has shown that people suffering from depression can control the symptoms of this disease with their diet.

Foods rich in selenium

According to some research reports, increasing the intake of selenium in the diet has a positive effect on mood while reducing the severity of anxiety.This component is found in whole grains, seafood, and dairy, while supplements are also available.

Vitamin D

According to a 2019 study, vitamin D also reduces the severity of depression symptoms.

Vitamin D can be obtained from foods such as fish, liver, eggs and milk, while it is also possible to obtain it from exposure to the sun.

Omega 3 fatty acids

Research reports have indicated that consumption of omega-3 fatty acids may help reduce the severity of depression.

This nutrient is found in fish and walnuts.


Antioxidants remove harmful substances circulating in the body that naturally build up.

If these substances are not removed from the body, oxidative stress is created, which in turn increases the risk of several diseases, including depression and anxiety.

A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and nuts is rich in antioxidants and can help relieve symptoms of depression.

B vitamins

Vitamins B12 and B9 (folic acid) protect the nervous system, including the brain, and reduce the risk of various diseases such as depression.

Vitamin B12 can be obtained from eggs, meat, chicken, fish and milk.

Similarly, green leafy vegetables, fruits or their juices, nuts, beans, dairy products, eggs, seafood and whole grains should be consumed to obtain folic acid.


Increasing the amount of zinc in the diet strengthens the immune system and also reduces the severity of depression symptoms.

According to some research reports, zinc levels are low in the body of people suffering from depression.

This nutrient is abundant in beef and chicken, beans, and nuts.


Protein is an important nutrient for body muscles and it also helps people fight depression.

Our body uses the protein tryptophan to make serotonin, a hormone that makes us feel happy.

Tryptophan protein is found in fish and chickpeas.


Eating certain foods, such as yogurt, increases the amount of healthy bacteria in the gut.

According to research reports, increasing the number of such bacteria reduces the risk of depression or reduces the severity of depression symptoms.

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