Worst Foods for Your Mental Health

As we age, our brain starts to degenerate, we forget things and solving puzzles is not as easy as it used to be. Although it is not possible to reverse the aging process, we can definitely keep our minds fit for every age.

But there are certain foods that prove destructive to the brain and accelerate the journey towards mental decline.

Vegetable oil

According to an American study, high consumption of vegetable oil increases the accumulation of substances in the brain that cause diseases such as dementia. According to the study, vegetable oil consumption causes oxidative stress, which damages the brain membrane and The harmful substances begin to accumulate in the brain. The researchers claimed that the vegetable oil made the patients more prone to brain fog and fatigue, which increased the risk of other diseases such as Alzheimer's or dementia, including migraines.

Fried foods

French fries and other such foods not only increase the risk of obesity but also prove to be destructive for the brain. According to a study in the Journal of Nutritional Science, people who eat a lot of fried foods, their learning ability, memory and brain function gradually become poor. Researchers believed that such diets reduced brain edema and brain volume.

Sweet drinks

A study in the US gave rats the equivalent of five cans of the sugary drink and found that toxins in their brains increased, suggesting that the drinks may also increase the risk of Alzheimer's. Similarly, a separate study found that the type of sweetener used in these drinks increases the risk of dementia.

Trans fat

Such fats are commonly used to increase the flavor and shelf life of foods and come at a cost to the brain. According to a study, high consumption of trans fats found in cakes, biscuits and other bakery products accumulates substances in the brain that increase the risk of Alzheimer's and other mental disorders.

Refined carbohydrates

White bread, pasta, rice, cereals and sugar are some of the carbohydrates that are essential in moderation if you want to maintain 100% brain performance. These foods are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and raise insulin and blood sugar levels. The higher the blood sugar level, the higher the risk of diabetes, which in turn increases the risk of Alzheimer's disease. But not all carbohydrates are harmful like cereals, brown rice etc. contain dietary fiber which is beneficial for the brain.

Fast food

Fast food is high in saturated fats, which make it harder for the body's immune system to fight the brain damage that causes Alzheimer's. Similarly, high salt content in burgers or other fast foods can lead to increased blood pressure, which in the long term leads to decline in brain function. According to a study, consuming fast food just once is enough to block the brain's ability to learn and form new memories.

Artificial sweeteners

Like sugary drinks, artificial sweeteners can cause memory loss and dementia. According to a study, the habit of diet drinks triples the risk of life-threatening diseases like stroke and dementia.


Alcohol consumption is in no way beneficial to health and even small amounts are toxic to brain structure and function, regardless of age.

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