6 tips to prevent cancer

6 tips to prevent cancer

Cancer is a deadly disease that is considered the first cause of death in all parts of the world. The number of cancer cases is expected to increase by about 70% over the next two decades. The wrong lifestyle is usually a contributing factor to cancer. For this reason, the World Health Organization has provided a set of tips that help To prevent it, read on dear to learn these tips.

1- Stop smoking:

It has been scientifically proven that smoking increases the risk of  lung, larynx, ovarian, and breast cancer, as tobacco contains more than 600 substances that are dangerous to the human body. These substances infiltrate the body and incite the formation of tumors in various parts of the body. For this reason, you must stop smoking immediately and avoid exposure to smoke. Passive.

2- Avoid exposure to ultraviolet rays:

The sun is an important source of vitamin D, but failure to take preventive measures makes a person vulnerable to cancer, as ultraviolet rays emitted from the sun increase the possibility of skin cancer and sunburn. For this reason, it is recommended to avoid exposure to its rays, with the need to apply sunscreen before going out and wear large hats for protection. Only in this way can you protect yourself from cancer.

3- Get rid of your excess weight:

An American study showed that people who suffer from obesity are more susceptible to breast cancer and colorectal cancer. Therefore, it is recommended to get rid of excess weight by eating healthy food, practicing motor activities regularly, and avoiding foods rich in fat. This will help you protect your body from all diseases, including cancer.

Read also: 8 magic tips to get rid of excess weight quickly

4- Eat fresh vegetables and fruits:

Doctors advise on the importance of introducing fresh vegetables and fruits into each person’s diet, as they are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that have been scientifically proven to protect against various types of cancer and limit their spread in the event of infection. The nutrients contained in these vegetables and fruits strengthen the body’s immunity.

5- Stop drinking alcohol:

Researchers have confirmed that alcohol increases the risk of cancer of the mouth, throat, larynx, esophagus, liver, colon, intestines, and breast, in addition to its harmful effect on the liver, brain, and memory. Therefore, one must completely stop drinking alcohol and seek help from specialists in case of addiction to it.

Read also: Alcohol addiction: its harms - ways to recover from it

6- Avoid sources of anxiety:

Research has proven that constant exposure to psychological emotions increases the possibility of cancer. When a person is exposed to anxiety, the body secretes the hormones cortisol and norepinephrine, and these hormones negatively affect the immune system,  which increases the possibility of diseases, especially cancer, so try to avoid the sources of anxiety and practice yoga, as it will help you. Getting rid of negative charges, leaving you in a better physical and psychological state. 

After learning about the previous tips, my dear, be sure to benefit from them in order to protect yourself from cancer. Finally, I wish you good health and wellness.

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