8 health benefits of garlic


8 health benefits of garlic

Garlic is one of the most used materials in all kitchens of the world due to the delicious and delicious taste that it adds to many foods. There is hardly any food that is devoid of garlic in it. Below are the most important health benefits of garlic.

1- Protection against cancer:

Garlic works to improve the human immune system, and therefore garlic has a great ability to protect against and eliminate cancer, because garlic works to slow down the work of cancer cells and prevents their formation, especially the cells that cause colon and intestine cancer because of the sulfurous substances it contains.


Read also:  6  tips to prevent cancer


2- Eliminate inflammation of the tonsils and gums:

Many studies have confirmed the significant role of garlic in eliminating germs collected in the tonsils, and also eliminating all types of germs that cause infections of the gums and teeth, so doctors advise chewing garlic for three minutes in the mouth daily.


Read also:  4 effective natural recipes for treating tonsillitis and pharynx


3- Treating diabetes:

Garlic works to improve blood sugar levels by increasing the secretion of insulin in a diabetic patient, so a diabetic patient should take one or two garlic tablets daily.

4- Reducing pressure:

Garlic is considered one of the most important treatments that help lower blood pressure, as it works to relieve spasms that occur in the arteries and slow the pulse and heart rate. It also reduces the symptoms of dizziness, so it is recommended for those with high blood pressure to eat two garlic pills daily.

5- Protection against heart disease:

Garlic is distinguished by its ability to eliminate the causes that lead to heart disease, as it works to eliminate harmful cholesterol in the blood. Garlic also protects the aorta and blood vessels from decreased blood pumping in the heart as a result of some factors such as delayed age or smoking.

Read also:  Types of heart disease and their symptoms (1)


6- Protecting the pregnant woman:

Many studies have proven the effective role of garlic in protecting pregnant women from many problems during pregnancy, such as preeclampsia , and it helps the healthy growth of the fetus.

7- Intestinal and colitis:

Garlic plays a major role in protecting the digestive system from disease, as it works to eliminate toxins from the body and stimulates the secretion of digestive juices. Much research has confirmed that eating a clove of garlic daily helps treat intestinal and colon infections, and garlic also helps expel intestinal worms. And stop cases of diarrhea.


Read also:  Irritable bowel syndrome and tips to get rid of it through food


8- Cases of cold and cough:

Garlic has a great ability to protect and strengthen the immune system and is therefore very useful in eliminating cold and flu cases, and very effective in eliminating coughs in children.

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