Fight dry eyes in winter by drinking fluids

Dry eyes are one of the problems whose negative effects appear more in the winter, in the form of eye redness and a tendency to itching.

In a report published by the German magazine "Freundin", experts advised exposing the eyes to fresh air, which effectively helps in restoring the moisture of the mucous membrane of the eye, and is therefore considered the first barrier and protection against infection. Here, it is recommended to ventilate the rooms from time to time during the winter. Do not close it for long periods.

To maintain the humidity of the air inside the room, it is recommended to place plants in it, and here German experts recommend species with large leaves in particular. A bowl filled with water in the room or a small fountain may have the same idea of ​​work, especially if some aromatic oils such as lavender or... Eucalyptus.

Drink fluids

The German magazine's experts explained that the next advice for treating dry eyes is to drink sufficient fluids, so that the skin and mucous membranes in the eye area are supplied with the fluids necessary for their function and hydration.

Experts stressed taking care not to feel thirsty, so it is recommended to drink water regularly and get two liters of water per day. Finally, in severe cases, it is recommended to visit an ophthalmologist, who often prescribes lubricating eye drops.

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