The best foods in winter

The best foods in winter

The best foods in winter

The benefits that foods provide to the human body vary; The matter does not depend only on the nutritional value of each type; Sometimes it goes even further. For example, some types of foods and drinks help us focus, some help us relax and sleep, and others give the body energy and activity.

Because we are now going through the winter season; Most of us are looking for the best winter foods, those foods that give us energy and warmth, while at the same time enhancing the health of our immune system and reducing our exposure to winter diseases such as influenza.

In this article, you will find the best winter foods that should be included in your diet during this harsh season. If you live in a cold country and need something to help you with its cold mornings and nights, read on.

What foods are suitable for winter?

There are many and varied foods suitable for winter. Doctors advise not to rely on a specific type of food; Rather, it is necessary to diversify and not be limited to one type. Here, doctors and nutritionists advise eating foods that take a longer period to be digested.

It is known that body temperature increases during the metabolism process, and now we will present to you a list that includes the best winter foods that should be included in your diet during the winter, which are:

1. Whole grains:

All kinds of grains are ideal meals for the cold winter. It is possible to rely on foods that contain  oats, wheat , fenugreek, fennel, barley, and rice. These foods are rich in carbohydrates. These foods need time to digest and they also need energy to do so, and this is what makes a person feel warm, and it is the reason for the heat that is generated during the digestion process.

2. Hot meals:

When we feel cold, we all resort to the option of eating hot meals that give us warmth, especially liquid meals, such as vegetable or squash soup, chicken soup with vegetables and onions, or lentil soup. These foods help give the body the warmth it needs from the inside and provide it with the nutrients it needs, such as Carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins that provide the body with energy, activity and vitality.

These foods also help resist hunger, give the person a feeling of fullness, strengthen immunity, and contribute to increasing the body’s ability to resist and combat viruses, fungi, and bacteria. Because it contains many different types of vegetables that are essential in its preparation, such as onions, garlic, and tomatoes.

You can add some types of spices that increase the benefit of these dishes, such as cumin and cinnamon. You can also add ginger to soup or to other types of foods. Because ginger plays an important role in strengthening the immune system, generates heat and regulates the metabolism process, it also improves and enhances the blood flow process, and this is what helps warm the fingers and toes, which is a problem for many people in the winter. In addition to all of this, ginger contains a substance Polyphenols that give the body a feeling of warmth.

We must also mention that most types of soups do not increase weight, and some of them, such as lentil soup, even contribute to  weight loss because they contain a group of dietary fibers that give a feeling of fullness for a long time.

3. Peanut butter:

This butter is rich in fiber and vitamins. In addition, it gives the human body the energy and warmth it seeks during the winter. Despite this, one must not eat it in excess.

4. Foods rich in iron:

Foods rich in iron are  among the most important and best winter foods. Because it is a source of monounsaturated fats, linoleic acid, proteins, iron, zinc, vitamins B6, potassium, B12, vitamin D, phosphorus and magnesium, and the body needs time to digest them, and this is what generates heat and gives heat to the body from the inside.

5. Fruits:

You can rely on fruits, especially those that contain magnesium such as bananas. This is due to the role it plays in adjusting body temperature, and oranges are considered one of the most important fruits that should be eaten in the winter. Oranges contain  a large amount of vitamin C, which helps protect the body from the risk of colds and influenza. This applies to all types of citrus fruits because of their great role in increasing the body’s immunity and protecting us from winter diseases such as influenza and others.

Read also: 7 health benefits that oranges give to the human body

6. Root vegetables:

All types of root vegetables are important foods that must be relied upon and eaten during the winter, such as green onions, radishes, carrots, and turnips. Because it is rich in compounds that keep the body warm, it also takes time to digest, and it helps warm the body as well.

Sweet potatoes are considered  one of the best winter foods because they contain high levels of potassium, vitamins A and G, and carbohydrates. They also reduce the chances of contracting influenza . Because it contains beta-carotene, which is an important substance for strengthening the immune system.

In addition to this, sweet potatoes contribute to enhancing the health of the digestive system due to their richness in dietary fiber, which plays an important role in improving bowel movement, facilitating digestion and excretion, and because they contain vitamin B6, they help improve mood and reduce the possibility of seasonal depression.

7. Nuts and dried fruits:

Nuts and dried fruits are among the most important sources of healthy fats, which play a role in adjusting body temperature.

8. Cabbage:

It is one of the most important winter vegetables that provide the body with several benefits, the most important of which is giving the body a feeling of warmth and strengthening immunity, and this is what makes it one of the best winter foods, but it is important not to eat it in excess because it may cause some problems such as constipation and  indigestion .

9. Honey:

Honey strengthens immunity and keeps the body warm. In addition, honey contains the sugars necessary to provide the human body with energy. Therefore, it is considered one of the best winter foods that should be eaten regularly. There are several ways to eat honey . You can eat a spoonful of it in the morning, add it to hot water, or use it as a sweetener.

Read also: 7 health benefits of drinking warm water with honey

10. Black pepper:

Eating black pepper and adding it to foods is suitable for the winter. Black pepper contains a substance called piperine, which helps the body maintain its warmth during the winter.

Other types of spices are also beneficial, such as cinnamon, hot pepper, and cloves. These types of spices have the ability to directly stimulate thermogenesis in the body.

11. Pumpkin:

Pumpkin is  one of the foods suitable for the winter. Pumpkin is characterized by its sweet taste despite the few calories it contains. This is what makes it one of the healthiest meals, as it provides the body with energy and warmth and strengthens immunity at the same time.

12. Mushrooms:

It is considered one of the most suitable foods for the winter. Because it contains a group of nutrients, antioxidants, and vitamins such as vitamin D and vitamin B, which play an important role in boosting energy, mushrooms are also considered immune-boosting foods and also reduce viral infections.

13. Beetroot:

It is considered an important food to maintain the body's energy and relieve fatigue. It is also a source of potassium and nitrates. They are two important nutrients for heart and circulatory health .

Beetroot also contributes to regulating blood pressure and increases the level of oxygen in it, which leads to enhanced athletic performance and gives the body energy and vitality. In addition, it is one of the foods rich in iron, and this is what makes it one of the best winter foods.

14. Fish:

All types of fish are suitable for the winter, but oily fish such as sardines and tuna remain among the best winter foods. This is because it contains anti-inflammatory fatty acids and also Omega 3.

15. Cinnamon:

As we mentioned above, spices in general are foods suitable for the winter, and cinnamon in particular is considered one of the best of these spices. In addition to being a delicious spice that can be added to drinks and foods alike, cinnamon is rich in antioxidants and has several natural medicinal  properties . It is anti-inflammatory and also contributes to lowering blood sugar levels.

16. Spinach:

It is one of the foods that gives the body warmth and reduces infection because spinach contains vitamin C, and also contains antioxidants, which contributes to alleviating the symptoms of arthritis and reducing its severity.

17. Corn:

Corn is characterized  by its low number of calories, and it is preferable to eat it grilled. It is one of the useful and important foods in the winter because it provides the body with warmth and gives it energy and vitality.

in conclusion:

In this article, we learned about some types of foods that are considered among the best foods for the winter season because they contain important and essential nutrients for the body, and at the same time provide it with energy, vitality, and activity and do not cause weight gain. Some of these foods do not contribute to weight stability only because they contain large quantities. Of fiber; Rather, it helps reduce 

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