5 foods that improve sleep quality and body health

5 foods that improve sleep quality and body health

Most adults today suffer from insomnia disorder, and people in general rarely get a good, restful night's sleep. Rather, they often complain of their turmoil and anxiety, their inability to find a comfortable position, and their annoyance from the normal sounds that come out at night. There are those who sleep for many sufficient hours; But he feels tired and lethargic when he wakes up in the morning, and has great difficulty getting out of bed.

The usual treatment for insomnia requires taking medications prescribed by the doctor and using a soft mattress. It is not recommended to use pillows that are too soft or hard. Rather, there are pillows designed specifically for body comfort, and they are available in different shapes and sizes to suit each person’s needs.

There are other reasons for sleep disturbances and poor quality, most notably an unhealthy diet . The types of food and drink that an individual consumes during the day affect the quality of his sleep at night, and this is not limited to coffee only, despite the necessity of stopping the consumption of caffeine found in coffee, chocolate, and drinks. Gas 6 hours before bedtime.
5 foods that improve sleep quality:

Here are 5 foods that improve sleep quality:

1. Low-fat foods:

Much research has been conducted to study the problem of obesity and its relationship to lack of sleep, and the results indicate that there is a direct proportional relationship between body mass and difficulty sleeping. An obese person needs longer than his normal counterpart to fall asleep. He also quickly feels uncomfortable with his sleeping position, constantly changing and tossing it around, which leads to him suffering from disturbance, intermittent sleep and deprives him of rest at night.

A low-fat diet reduces the problem of obesity and helps individuals improve the quality of their sleep.

2. Natural sources of melatonin:

Melatonin is defined as a neurohormone that acts as an antioxidant, and cherry fruits are among the main natural sources rich in melatonin, which makes cherry juices and extracts essential ingredients in most cosmetic products. Cherries contain the amino acid tryptophan, which turns into the hormone serotonin, and then later into Melatonin within the body.

Melatonin is an excellent natural alternative to insomnia medications, as it stimulates the body to sleep, is secreted naturally at night when darkness falls, and acts as an internal biological clock that allows a person to rest and sleep for long hours.

Drinking tart cherry juice during the day and before going to sleep at night is a natural treatment for insomnia. Studies have shown that drinking tart cherry juice daily leads to an increase in the number of hours of sleep. Melatonin is found in fish meat, almonds, strawberries, cranberries, grapes, wheat, rice, and oats.

3. Foods rich in calcium and magnesium:

Most individuals are unaware that foods rich in calcium and magnesium contribute to improving sleep quality. It is customary for the child to drink a cup of milk before bed; Because the calcium and magnesium found in milk promote bone growth, and the efficiency of the growth process increases during sleep, and it is noted that children sleep deeply when drinking warm milk before going to sleep.

Studies show that rapid eye movement sleep occurs in a shorter time when the calcium level in the body is within the normal limit, and the disorder occurs when calcium levels fall below the normal limit. Calcium is an essential component for the synthesis of the hormone melatonin, and the importance of magnesium comes from its role in enhancing calcium absorption.

Examples of food sources rich in calcium and magnesium include salmon, milk, yogurt, kale, kale, nuts, rice, potatoes, oranges, and whole grains.

4. Sources of vitamin B6:

Do not eat canned or packaged foods when you are hungry between main meals. It contains large amounts of preservatives and sodium.

There are healthy alternatives such as bananas, pistachios, cashews, and cereals that can be eaten as snacks, not to mention that these types of foods are rich in vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 in itself does not contribute to improving the sleep process ; But it is one of the essential components for the synthesis of melatonin, and this means that eating the aforementioned foods, in addition to potatoes, broccoli, asparagus, lentils, chickpeas, sunflower seeds, halibut, chicken, and turkey, contributes to improving sleep quality.

5. Sugars:

Most of the aforementioned food examples are rich in sugars; The quality of sleep improves at night when you eat foods rich in sugars at the right time. Carbohydrates are the main energy source for the human body, and they raise the level of sugar in the blood, which leads to the activation of the secretion of insulin, which is responsible for controlling the level of sugar in the blood, and the energy within the body increases directly. After eating foods rich in sugars due to insulin, but you begin to feel sleepy and tired after insulin and blood sugar levels decrease.
Read also: 8 foods that reduce blood sugar levels

Accordingly, you can eat a piece of toast, for example, half an hour before you go to sleep, so that your body gets rid of the extra energy resulting from eating sugars, and begins to feel tired and sleepy at the time you go to sleep.

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