Study: Strawberries protect you from dementia due to anti-inflammatory drugs

 A recent study conducted by the University of Cincinnati confirmed that eating strawberries on a regular basis contributes to reducing the risk of dementia , as well as enhancing cognitive and cognitive abilities.

The study justified this by saying that these positive effects may be due to strawberries containing large amounts of anti-inflammatory drugs such as anthocyanins, based on the fact that dementia is a disease that develops over decades and is closely linked to metabolic disorders such as weight gain and diabetes. 

The study also proved that there are positive effects against memory disorders, and a reduced risk of developing psychological diseases such as depression.

It should be noted that strawberries contain high levels of fiber and potassium, which makes them support heart health and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, such as a heart attack, by inhibiting the formation of harmful cholesterol, due to their high fiber and vitamin content. bad"; It is considered one of the most important vitamins found in strawberries, in addition to antioxidants.

Another benefit of strawberries is that they contribute to lowering blood pressure, as they contain a high percentage of potassium and magnesium , and a small percentage of sodium. Potassium and magnesium act as dilators of blood vessels, and thus help lower blood pressure and facilitate its flow to different parts of the body.

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