Insomnia: its causes, types, and methods of treatment

 Sleep is a basic need for the human body. Without sleep, a person is unable to carry out his work and tasks. How many nights have you been unable to sleep and how many days have you missed work because of your delayed sleep? Because we care about your general health, we will shed light on the problem of insomnia and the most important methods of treating it.

how to cure insomnia quickly

Types of insomnia:

1. Temporary insomnia: It is one of the most common types of anxiety among people. Most people suffer from it, and it is often temporary for one night or may extend for several days and quickly goes away.
2. Acute or short-term insomnia: which is the inability to sleep regularly, and insomnia may last for a period ranging from three weeks to six months.
3. Chronic insomnia: It is one of the most serious types of insomnia and this type may last for many years.

Causes of insomnia:

1- Psychological causes: 40% of people with insomnia have psychological disorders such as depression, anxiety, stress, emotional trauma, divorce, financial distress, and professional pressures.
2- Organic causes: Some diseases cause insomnia, especially if the disease is accompanied by pain, such as back, joint, or abdominal pain, headache, fever, or kidney disease. Respiratory disorders also cause insomnia, and acid reflux into the esophagus and glandular disorder cause insomnia.

3- Behavioral patterns: eating before bed, smoking a lot, staying up late, inactivity and laziness, drinking a lot of drinks that contain stimulants such as coffee, tea, stimulant and soft drinks, and drinking a lot of alcohol, all of which cause insomnia.

4- Medications: Some medications cause insomnia, such as anti- depressant medications , medications treating heart disease and blood pressure, and anti-allergy medications.

The most important methods of treating insomnia:

  • Organizing sleep schedules, such as going to bed at a specific time and waking up at a specific time, while avoiding staying up late at night.
  • Reduce drinking drinks that contain stimulants, especially before bed. Doctors prefer to stop drinking them completely and replace them with mint, anise, and chamomile.
  • Make sure that the bed you sleep on is comfortable, and try to make the room you sleep in dark and away from noise.
  • Make sure to exercise daily, as it helps you feel comfortable and relaxed and thus get deep sleep.
  • Be careful not to eat before bed, as doctors prefer to eat at least three hours before bed and for dinner to be light .
  • Try to relax an hour before bed, and if there is a topic that worries you, stop thinking about it so that you do not suffer from insomnia.
  • Experts recommend reading before bed, as it helps relax the body, making it easier for you to sleep deeply.
Thus, we find, dear, that insomnia is one of the most common medical conditions. If you suffer from insomnia, apply the treatment methods that we have provided for you, and if you do not improve, consult a specialist doctor as soon as possible.

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