what are the early signs of diabetes?


what are the early signs of diabetes?

Diabetes is one of the most common diseases in the world. There are about 422 million people affected, according to the latest statistics of the World Health Organization. Diabetes occurs when the body’s ability to use or produce insulin declines, which leads to an increase in the level of sugar in the blood, leaving serious complications for public health. And because we want To enjoy sound health, we will introduce you, dear, to the signs that indicate diabetes.

1- An urgent desire to urinate:

In a normal state, a person feels an urgent desire to urinate when he drinks large amounts of water, juices, herbal drinks, coffee, and tea, or when there is an injury to the urinary system, but if the previous reasons are not present, excessive urination may be a sign of diabetes, as the number of times increases. Urination in a diabetic patient occurs due to the body’s attempt to get rid of excess glucose through urine.

2- Feeling very thirsty:

Eating salty foods, hot spices, exposure to worrying situations, or extreme fear all cause a feeling of extreme thirst. When blood sugar levels rise, the body excretes fluids through urination to get rid of the high level, so the number of times you urinate increases during the day and night, which leads to a lack of water and a feeling of extreme thirst. .

3- Dry mouth:

Smokers, the elderly, Parkinson's disease patients, and people with depression suffer from dry mouth. Some types of medications also work to make people feel dry, but it is also considered a clear indication of diabetes. Dry mouth results in several complications, such as gum disease, tooth decay, oral infections, and thrush . And the emission of bad breath .

4- Insomnia:

There are many reasons behind insomnia, such as depression , sleep apnea syndrome, or restless legs syndrome. Insomnia is also considered one of the signs of diabetes. As sugar levels rise, the need to urinate increases, and this is what makes the person wake up from sleep several times until he goes to sleep. Bathing at night makes it difficult for him to sleep again.

Read also:  Insomnia: its causes, types, and methods of treatment

5- Eye problems:

High blood sugar greatly affects the eye, causing recurrent eyelid infections, pus collections at the eyelashes, frequent degeneration of corneal cells, cataracts at an early age, high intraocular pressure, bursting and bleeding on the surface of the retina or in the vitreous, and weakness. Sight.

6- Genital and urinary infections:

High blood sugar provides a suitable environment for parasites to multiply in the genital and urinary areas. Therefore, people with diabetes suffer from recurrent genital infections, such as vaginal and skin fungi and urinary system infections, and females are more susceptible to infections than males.

7- Noticeable weight loss:

High blood sugar levels cause the hormone insulin to be unable to introduce glucose into the cells. This leads to the body burning its fat and muscles to obtain energy. This is what causes the affected person to lose a lot of weight unintentionally and with a constant feeling of hunger. This sign is considered one of the most obvious signs of... Having diabetes.

8- Non-healing of wounds and ulcers:

A very clear sign of diabetes is non-healing of wounds and ulcers because high sugar causes damage to the capillaries. It is worth noting that non-healing of wounds and ulcers in the area of ​​the feet causes gangrene and exposure to amputation.

Diabetes is one of the most dangerous diseases. If you feel any of the above signs, dear, immediately consult a doctor to diagnose your health condition and prescribe the appropriate medication for you.

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