Benefits of exercise for women during the menstrual cycle


Benefits of exercise for women during the menstrual cycle

One of the rumors circulating among women is that exercising during the menstrual cycle poses many health risks. In fact, women feel fatigue and pain during menstruation, but exercising during menstruation does not harm their health. Researchers and doctors have confirmed this matter and even advised women to exercise, as it is one of the most important alleviating treatments. For pain accompanying the menstrual cycle. Because we care about your health, my dear, we will talk below about the benefits of exercise for women during the menstrual cycle.

The first benefit: improving mood

90 percent of women suffer from temporary depression and anxiety during  the menstrual cycle , as this is due to the lack of progesterone and the imbalance between it and estrogen. Also, the low level of serotonin during menstruation is one of the most important factors leading to bad mood, but if the woman continues to exercise during her period Menstruation will enable you to improve the body's response to hormonal changes, in addition to exercise ridding the body of negative charges so that the woman becomes in a better psychological state.

The second benefit: getting rid of stress

The lack of the hormone serotonin is one of the factors that cause women to feel  stressed and tired during the menstrual cycle, as they are unable to carry out the duties required of them, but with exercise, the situation changes, as physical exercises stimulate blood circulation and provide the body with great energy, and this is what women really need.

The third benefit: facilitating the digestion process

Women are exposed to digestive disorders due to the menstrual cycle. During the menstrual cycle, they suffer from diarrhea as a result of a rise in the estrogen hormone. After the menstrual cycle, they suffer from constipation due to the lack of progesterone secretion,  which in turn slows down the movement of the intestinal muscles. In order to combat these disorders, you must exercise regularly, that is, on a daily basis, as it helps facilitate movement. Intestine.

Fourth benefit: pain relief

Exercising during your menstrual cycle helps relieve spasms and cramps and reduces bloating, which makes you feel comfortable. For example, you can practice walking, yoga, aerobics, jumping, and climbing stairs . These exercises will help you relieve aches and pains.

Fifth benefit: maintaining weight

Women's appetite for food increases clearly during the menstrual cycle, as this is due to hormonal changes, especially progesterone, estrogen, and serotonin, and this leads to weight gain. To avoid this, be sure to exercise, as it will help you maintain your weight and will burn all the calories that you eat. .

General tips:

  • During your menstrual cycle, drink cinnamon as it treats dysmenorrhea and relieves pain.
  • Eat healthy and eat more vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, cheese and nuts.
  • Avoid eating sugars because they cause weight gain, as you can get your sugar needs from dates and fruits.
  • Use warm water compresses, as they help relieve pain and cramps.
  • Make sure to sleep at least 8 continuous hours, as this will greatly reduce the occurrence of pain and fatigue during the menstrual period.
  • Massage the painful area with lavender oil, as various experiments have proven its effectiveness in relieving pain and cramps.

After you learned, my dear, about  the benefits of exercise during the menstrual cycle, be sure to continue practicing it, as it will improve your mood, reduce your feeling of stress, facilitate the digestion process, relieve your pain, and maintain your weight.

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