10 home remedies for sore throat

With the winter of each year, sore throats begin to spread, a sign of exposure to a bacterial or viral infection, causing severe pain.

Symptoms of a sore throat are difficulty swallowing, pain may include the ears, in addition to swelling and redness in the tonsils, a slight increase in temperature, and swollen lymph nodes below the jaw may occur.

Sore throat can be treated with traditional methods at home, but if symptoms worsen and severe inflammation results in a significant rise in body temperature for more than 48 hours, a doctor must be consulted immediately to obtain appropriate medical treatment.

The "Healthline" website published: The Scientific Reports Authority recently published a report that included the best home methods for controlling sore throat infections, according to the latest scientific studies.

- Honey:

It soothes coughs and throat pain thanks to the important nutritional elements it contains. It is one of the foods that has many benefits that add to the body the essential nutritional elements it needs.

Honey can be placed in tea or liquids, or eaten as is, to relieve the pain of sore throat and cough and combat chest diseases.

- Salt water:

Gargling with warm water mixed with salt (a cup of water with half a spoonful of salt) helps soothe a sore throat and kill the bacteria causing the inflammation. This should be done every 3 hours until the pain disappears.

- Chamomile tea:

Chamomile is a good anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and has vasoconstrictive properties. Studies have shown that inhaling chamomile steam can help relieve cold symptoms, including sore throat.

- Mint leaves:

It contains menthol, which has the ability to open the bronchial tubes, relieve sore throat pain, and relieve cough. It has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antiviral properties.

- baking soda:

Gargling with water mixed with baking soda can help relieve sore throat pain, kill bacteria, and prevent fungal growth in the throat.

The American Cancer Institute recommends gargling with a mixture of a cup of warm water, a quarter teaspoon of baking soda, and 1/8 teaspoon of salt every three hours to combat sore throat.

- The ring:

The patient can eat fenugreek in all its forms, due to its great benefits, as it is antifungal and antibacterial and relieves pain resulting from sore throat.


It is a type of candy, usually consisting of sugar, corn syrup, water, and gelatin, mixed until it becomes a spongy consistency, and poured into small cylindrical molds coated with cornstarch.

These candies have effective effects in relieving sore throat. They can be added to a cup of boiling water and can be drunk 2-3 times daily.

However, people with diabetes should consult a doctor before consuming it, as it causes disturbances in blood sugar levels.

- Licorice seeds:

It has long been known to treat sore throats, when used as a gargle to soothe the pain, but according to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid this method of treating sore throats.

- Red elm plant:

This plant contains a gelatinous substance in its leaves, which can be mixed with boiling water and drunk two to three times daily.
This drink is considered a traditional treatment for sore throat, but research has confirmed that it reduces the body's absorption of other medications that an individual takes.

- Apple cider vinegar:

It has many antimicrobial uses due to its acidic nature. It is benefited from by gargling with a cup of warm water mixed with a spoonful or two of it. The process is repeated once or twice every hour, and large amounts of water must be drunk between gargling times.

- the Garlic:

It contains allicin, which has antibacterial, antibacterial and antifungal properties, and has the ability to relieve inflammation, especially sore throat.

- Chili pepper:

It is also often used as a pain reliever because it contains “capsaicin.” It is a natural compound that prevents pain, and can be taken with warm water and honey to relieve sore throat.

- Sore throat infections for infants and children

When infants and young children suffer from sore throat, the mother must ensure good ventilation of the children’s rooms, and encourage them to drink an appropriate amount of water.

It is advisable to avoid iced juices and popsicles and drink plenty of acidic liquids such as fresh lemon and orange juice.

You should consult a doctor when thinking about giving your child medicine for a cough or sore throat, and you should also monitor the child’s temperature.

In the case of severe sore throat accompanied by fever, inflammation and swelling of the tonsils, you must immediately consult a doctor, because these symptoms may be consistent with serious diseases such as whooping cough, diphtheria, and bacterial sore throat.

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