10 tricks to get rid of insomnia quickly


Exercise helps eliminate insomnia, as exercising during the day and being overly active helps to feel tired.

Many of us suffer from insomnia and the inability to sleep, and then we feel exhausted and tired and do not get enough rest, as the body needs a period ranging between 6 and 8 hours to sleep per day.

“Al Ain News” presents 10 tricks to get rid of insomnia quickly:

Tricks to get rid of insomnia quickly

Tricks to get rid of insomnia quickly

  • Make sure to sleep at a specific time every day, in order to help adjust the body’s biological clock, and thus get rid of insomnia. This helps the individual feel sound asleep, as irregular sleep schedules cause disorders in the body and the inability to sleep.
  • Avoid working in the bedroom, and make sure to keep electrical and electronic devices away from the bedroom, as watching TV, for example, before sleeping causes brain activation. In addition, electronic devices emit waves that cause insomnia.
  • A useful trick to get rid of insomnia is to take a nap in the afternoon for 20 minutes, so that this rejuvenates the body, thus getting rid of insomnia and getting more rest.
  • The importance of feeling sleepy before going to sleep, as tossing and turning in bed necessarily leads to an adverse reaction in the brain, which then leads to a feeling of insomnia, an individual’s inability to sleep, and the brain issuing commands to the body to keep it awake.
  • Exercise helps eliminate insomnia, as exercising during the day and excessive activity helps to feel tired at night, and makes the individual feel more comfortable and relaxed, but you should avoid exercising before bed, as this stimulates blood circulation, and Then a feeling of activity and then insomnia.
  • Feeling stressed and psychological pressures contribute to insomnia, as stress and anxiety increase the secretion of the hormone adrenaline in the body, leading to insomnia.
  • Choose calm colors in the bedroom that create a feeling of comfort and relaxation, which helps get rid of insomnia. Be sure to avoid choosing bright colors, and avoid strong lighting, as they prevent the secretion of the hormone necessary to feel sleepy, and thus cause insomnia.
  • Make sure to take a warm bath, which makes the individual feel more comfortable and relaxed, and then feel sleepy and get enough sleep without developing insomnia.
  • Avoid eating fatty foods at least two hours before bedtime, as a stomach full of fatty food causes the individual to suffer from insomnia.
  • Make sure to drink the necessary drinks and fluids during the day, as they help give the body more rest and relaxation. The most important drinks useful in getting rid of insomnia are warm milk, mint tea, and boiled anise, in addition to drinking a mixture of water and apple cider vinegar.

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