5 tips from a makeup artist on how to look younger with makeup

5 tips from a makeup artist on how to look younger with makeup

Makeup for every age has its own pitfalls, but the world's leading make-up artists call anti-aging one of the most difficult techniques. Evening out skin tone, masking wrinkles, giving clarity to the contours of the face - all this sounds difficult, but in reality it is enough to know a few basic rules to take off a dozen or two years with the help of decorative cosmetics.

Leading makeup artist, international teacher at the school of makeup artists Yana Panfilovskaya told us how to do makeup with a lifting effect, what solutions will help visually rejuvenate your face, and what makeup techniques are best avoided. The main task of anti-aging makeup, according to the expert, is to visually “tighten up the face,” refresh the skin and make the look more open.

Choose the right care
The appearance of the skin at any age depends on care. After all, sometimes even the most skillful makeup is not able to hide skin that is too dry, or, conversely, shiny from an excess of sebum.

“At the age of 45+, facial skin can be both dry and oily, prone to rashes. Therefore, it is important to carefully select skin care products. To make your task easier, contact a cosmetologist who will assess the condition of your skin and recommend appropriate products,” the makeup artist advises.

Lifting makeup most often uses cosmetic products that nourish the skin, fill out wrinkles as much as possible and create the appearance of a rested face. For better results, Yana Panfilovskaya advises using special smoothing makeup bases before applying foundation, which, among other things, give the skin additional hydration.

“To give a fresh look, you can apply a concealer with reflective particles under your eyes. It is better to choose light foundations that do not emphasize the texture of the skin and do not settle into wrinkles, visually deepening them,” the makeup artist advises.

It is equally important not to overdo it with powder, especially in the area under the eyes, because it has the ability to get into wrinkles and emphasize them. If you can't go without powder, choose light products with a mineral texture. The same goes for blush.

“As you age, your cheeks lose volume, so it’s important to visually round them. To do this, apply blush in circular motions to the apples of your cheeks,” she adds.

Choose muted shades for eye makeup

Gray-blue, dusty pink, khaki – these are the shades that make-up artists consider “complex”, but it is they, according to Panfilovskaya, that refresh the look and neutralize signs of fatigue. To make the creases on the skin of your eyelids appear less noticeable, use products with a satin texture or light shimmer instead of matte shadows.

“To do a refreshing make-up and highlight the color of your eyes, use this life hack: apply a bright shade that matches the color of your eyes into the space between the lashes and the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid. For a more vibrant effect, you can use colored mascara to match your eye color,” the makeup artist advises.

But it is better to refuse too long eyelashes, in particular eyelash extensions, after 45 years. “If you like false eyelashes, give preference to short bunches - no longer than 6-8 mm. Longer eyelashes will look vulgar,” says the expert.

Choose a light eyebrow pencil

Photo: Yana Panfilovskaya

Another important rule of anti-aging makeup is no clearly defined eyebrows of an unnatural shape. If they are too dark, your look will instantly become heavier, inevitably making you look older.

“When shaping eyebrows, it is better to avoid pronounced lines and dark colors. Instead, use a light pencil, but don't apply it too thickly. Eyebrows should look as natural as possible,” explains Panfilovskaya.

Avoid matte lipstick

Not only the skin of the face, but also the lips suffer from age-related changes. The makeup artist reassures: blurred contours, reduced volume, wrinkles - all these problems can be corrected with the right makeup.

“Use creamy lipsticks in calm shades, including soft pink, dusty pink or beige. But it’s better to avoid long-lasting matte lipsticks - they dry out the skin of the lips and emphasize wrinkles,” warns the makeup artist.

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