Top 6 Home Remedies for Toenail Fungus: Natural



6 ways to safely treat foot fungus at home
Toenail fungus may seem unusual, but believe it or not, it is much more common than many people think. This unpleasant problem associated with the skin of the feet often manifests itself in the form of yellowed, split and thickened nails. Its occurrence can be associated with a variety of factors, including slow nail growth, excessive sweating, and contact with fungi. In addition, wearing shoes in public places such as swimming pools, showers, and gyms can increase the risk of contracting this unpleasant problem.

"Most infections are caused by various types of tinea, but there may also be cases where dermatophytes are more resistant to treatment," says Francisco Oliva. He emphasizes that infections usually develop as a result of a combination of several factors affecting the toenail. “Sometimes the starting point is a nail injury,” he explains. "The effects of this injury can take months or years to appear. Once the fungus penetrates the nail, the keratin layer becomes an impenetrable barrier."

What is toenail fungus?

DEFINITION: “Toenail fungus is typically an infection of the nail plate caused by opportunistic fungi,” Oliva explains. This condition may appear as yellow or white patches, thickening of the nail, or crumbling at the edges."

Toenail fungus can occur in people of any age, but according to Dr. Marie Hayag, a board-certified dermatologist, it is most common in older adults. It is This is because as we age, nails become more brittle and dry, making them more vulnerable to fungal infections. As a result, nail fungus can become a serious problem for older adults. MEET THE EXPERT


Marie Hayag, MD, is a board-certified dermatologist. practicing in Manhattan. She is an assistant clinical professor at Mount Sinai Hospital and also teaches in the surgical clinic in the department of dermatology.

- Francisco Oliva is a Miami podiatrist in private practice for over 25 years.

However, toenail fungus can occur in any age, so we offer you the best methods for treating this unpleasant phenomenon at home.


According to a study conducted in 2008, regular application of darterhead extract on affected nails can help get rid of fungal infection.

The study found that applying snakehead extract to affected nails every third day for the first month, then twice a week for the second month, and once a week for the third month may be as effective as using the prescription antifungal drug ciclopirox. This antifungal herb can be purchased online for an inexpensive price.

To use snakehead extract, you can add a few drops directly to each affected nail or soak a cotton pad or gauze and apply it to the nail for a longer lasting effect.


Believe it or not, oregano is not only a delicious herb, but also a real miracle for treating toenail fungus at home. According to a 2020 study published in the Journal of Skin Appendage Disorders, scientists found that oregano's antibacterial properties can inhibit the growth of fungal nails when included in an essential oil blend.

“Although the effectiveness of oregano oil is only known through hearsay, thymol—a common component of oregano oil—has been found to be an effective antibacterial and antifungal agent,” Hayag says. “People with toenail fungus can apply the product to the affected areas twice daily and can expect no improvement, partial improvement, or complete improvement of their toenail fungus after using oregano oil.” However, she noted that oregano oil is quite potent and may cause an adverse reaction if you have particularly sensitive skin. For this reason, she recommends starting with a patch test. Additionally, to prevent adverse reactions, it is recommended to mix oregano oil with a carrier oil, such as olive or avocado oil, to reduce its potency.


Another pantry item that can have a positive effect on fungal toenail infections is white vinegar. According to Hayag, applying it to fungal-affected areas can be beneficial due to its antibacterial properties.

Similar to oregano oil, using white vinegar on nails affected by fungus has some anecdotal evidence supporting its antibacterial properties. "Soak your foot in a mixture of one part vinegar and two parts warm water for 20 minutes daily," she advises. However, it is worth remembering that results may vary depending on your body's reaction to this method.


OIL Lavender oil is known for its soothing properties, but it can also be an effective treatment for fungal toenail infections. According to a study published in the Journal of Medical Microbiology, lavender has strong antifungal properties. “Lavender essential oil is powerful against fungal strains that cause nail fungus and other skin fungal infections,” explains the expert. “To treat toenail fungus, it is recommended to apply one or two drops of lavender oil to the affected nail and leave for 10 minutes.” After this, you should carefully clean the affected area with a clean toothbrush and repeat the procedure daily until completely cured.


A 2019 study confirms that garlic has antifungal properties, making it a potentially effective treatment for fungal toenail infections. However, remember that you must be careful when using garlic, as it can cause chemical burns to the skin. It is best to apply crushed or crushed garlic to the affected area daily. To avoid burns, you can also take garlic supplements to see if they help in this situation.


“It is widely accepted that there is a relationship between a healthy diet and a healthy body,” emphasizes Hayag. "The healthier a person is, the more likely they are to be able to fend off infections such as fungal toenail infections." Therefore, Hayag recommends paying attention to probiotic-rich foods such as yogurt, as well as foods high in protein to support nail growth. Additionally, it is important to consume foods rich in iron to prevent brittle nails, as well as increase your calcium and vitamin D intake to promote an effective healing process. "While this cannot cure toenail fungus, it can help the body fight the fungus and promote faster recovery," she adds.


Knowing how to treat a fungal toenail infection can be very helpful. However, it is worth remembering that results do not always come quickly. Doctor Oliva advises to be patient and prepared for the fact that it may take four to six months for complete recovery. If no improvement is observed within this time, it is recommended to consult an orthopedic doctor. Treatment can be considered successful when the new part of the nail begins to grow healthy and strong after several months of therapy.

Given the above, it is not only important to know how to treat toenail fungus if it occurs, but it is also more important to know how to prevent it. According to Hayag, the best way to achieve this is to: wear socks that can absorb sweat; use shower shoes in locker rooms and swimming pools; and always wash your hands thoroughly after touching your feet.

The good news is that even if you have a mild toenail fungal infection, most people do not experience significant discomfort, and in some cases the infection may go away on its own. Experts recommend that many people can successfully use at-home methods to treat it or simply wait for their nails to heal on their own.

However, it is worth remembering that in case of a serious fungal infection of the toenails or if you have a weakened immune system, the best solution would be to consult a specialist to receive qualified medical care and recommendations.

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