5 breakfast foods that won't raise your blood sugar


5 breakfast foods that won't raise your blood sugar

Healthy breakfast
Healthy breakfast
Photo: Pexels

We start every day with breakfast: it energizes us, gives us energy and makes us feel good. Several popular breakfasts are high in carbohydrates and can significantly increase blood glucose levels in people with type 2 diabetes. So let's not take risks.

Endocrinologist  Yulia Krivovyaz  advises preparing one of these sets of products for breakfast. According to an expert with 12 years of experience, such breakfasts do not increase blood sugar levels.

1. Eggs

eggs for breakfast / © Depositphotos
eggs for breakfast / © Depositphotos

Eggs are delicious, keep you full for a long time, and are a good choice for breakfast. They are low in calories and high in protein (about 70 calories and 6 grams of protein per large egg). You can add both vegetables and pieces of chicken and cheese to the omelette.

2. Vegetables

Milanese omelette / © Depositphotos
Milanese omelette / © Depositphotos

Try adding cauliflower or spinach, mushrooms, green onions, zucchini, peppers or other vegetables to your breakfast omelet.

Recipe: Cauliflower and Parmesan Omelet Milanese

3. Unrolled oatmeal

Oatmeal / © Midjourney
Oatmeal / © Midjourney

Although oats are relatively high in carbohydrates, oatmeal is a good option for people with diabetes. Add butter and nuts to it, which will slow down absorption. You can add protein to the porridge in the form of meat, fish or eggs.

4. Wheat bran porridge or whole grain toast

Toast with avocado and fish / © Depositphotos
Toast with avocado and fish / © Depositphotos

Wheat bran is the outer layer of the wheat kernel that is removed during processing. Wheat bran is rich in various nutrients and fiber and has a low glycemic load (read about the glycemic index from a nutritionist). They slow down the absorption of carbohydrates. They can be added to porridge. Whole grain toast with fish or meat is a good breakfast option for those who like sandwiches in the morning.

5. Greek yogurt with berries

Yogurt toast with berries / © Depositphotos
Yogurt toast with berries / © Depositphotos

This is an easy, tasty and nutritious breakfast option. This dish is relatively low in calories. Greek yogurt contains more protein and fewer carbohydrates than traditional yogurt. Choose regular ones, not high fat, but not low fat either. Optionally, add a tablespoon of chopped or chopped nuts for healthy fats without increasing the carb content. You can add berries.

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