10 doctor created friendly breakfast recipe

 The doctor named the best breakfast recipes

There are several reasons why you shouldn't skip breakfast. Gastroenterologist Oleg Bayo spoke about this in a conversation with RIAMO.

There are several reasons why you shouldn't skip breakfast. Gastroenterologist Oleg Bayo spoke about this in a conversation with RIAMO .

He explained that breakfast saturates with microelements and gives energy for the whole day. A proper first meal should contain essential microelements, and the main ones are high-quality proteins, fats and complex carbohydrates.

Bayo noted that soft-boiled eggs are suitable for a healthy breakfast. With this method of cooking, all the beneficial vitamins are preserved in the eggs, as well as choline, a very important component for the brain contained in the yolk.

Another good source of energy is durum wheat pasta. They can also be replaced with oatmeal or buckwheat.

You can add fresh vegetables containing fiber to pasta and eggs.

Dairy products are also good for breakfast because they are rich in nutrients, vitamin D, potassium and calcium.

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