Dishes for diabetics: simple recipes for everyday life and holidays

 Most people, when they hear a doctor say: “You have diabetes,” are at first in a state of panic and disorientation. And if everything is simple with medications - drink according to the instructions, and a doctor will definitely help with calculating insulin injections, if necessary, then problems arise with therapeutic nutrition. A person is left alone with a list of dietary products, but without tips about dishes for diabetics.

What dishes can be prepared for diabetes?

This article will become a kind of mini-cheat sheet, both for type 1 diabetics and for people looking for information on what to eat with type 2 diabetes. Recipes that are easy to prepare and can also be cooked in the slow cooker will be made from products with the most positive diabetic ratings.

For diabetes, it is important to take into account the glycemic components and calorie content of dishes

Most people, when they hear a doctor say: “You have diabetes,” are at first in a state of panic and disorientation.

Diabetic dishes for every day and on holidays

So what dishes can diabetics prepare 100% safely, and so that they spend less time counting? We offer a photo gallery of dishes, recipes for which can be easily found on the Internet.

First courses for diabetics

  • Lenten borscht with mushrooms and beans
  • Turkey broth with cauliflower
  • Solyanka: beef broth, kidneys, tomatoes, cucumbers, olives
  • Vegetable soup, lean and without potatoes
  • Borscht with meat in beef broth (without sour cream)

Main courses for diabetes

  • Cream soup: cauliflower, mushrooms, chicken broth
  • Basic meals for every day for people suffering from diabetes

Vegetable dishes for diabetes (side dishes)

  • Basic side dishes for diabetics – fresh and baked vegetables

Holiday dishes for diabetes

A festive table set in this way will not give the guests any reason to suspect that one of the hosts has diabetes.

  • Salad: chicken, grapefruit, iceberg lettuce, lemon juice
  • Cucumber rolls with shrimp and salted cottage cheese
  • Chicken in Chinese
  • Beef baked in red wine
  • Boiled-baked large forkfuls of cauliflower
  • Devzira rice with garlic and soy sauce
  • Crushed grapefruit sorbet
  • Oatmeal pie with raspberries without sugar
  • Tea with cardamom or other spices

On holidays you can take a couple of sips of dry wine

And in conclusion, we add that for patients diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, follow-up with an endocrinologist or, in his absence, with a therapist, should not become a lifelong “hard labor of control”, but a way to regularly receive reliable information about diabetology news - medications, diets, Exercise therapy and lifestyle.

List of TOP diabetic ingredients

The photo shows the main components of a low-carb diet for diabetics

Healthy and tasty dishes for diabetics are best prepared from the following products:

1 Mushrooms.

2 Vegetables:

  • tomatoes,
  • Green pepper,
  • cabbage – broccoli, cauliflower, kohlrabi,
  • cucumbers,
  • eggplants,
  • lettuce, green onions, spicy herbs,
  • radish, radish, daikon.

3 Fruits:

  • grapefruit,
  • raspberries,
  • blueberries, blueberries.

4 Bran.

5 Egg whites, chicken and turkey (without skin).

Asparagus, avocado and stalked celery are very good for diabetics, but they are not always on sale, and many are unaffordable.

Regarding drinks. Diabetics will have to be content with mineral water and pamper themselves with all types of tea, naturally without sugar. If possible, you can drink soy milk occasionally.

Attention! When planning a daily menu (diabetic dishes, recipes), it is better to focus not on too variable bread units (BU), but on more constant values ​​- the glycemic index (GI) and glycemic load (GL). Full tables of fresh products and some ready-made dishes with these indicators + calorie content and content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates can be viewed at the link located at the end of the article.

Characteristics of dishes for diabetics, popular on the Internet

On holidays, it is important to resist and eat only one “conditionally acceptable” dish

Unfortunately, there has been confusion on the Internet, but recipes for dishes for people with diabetes and recipes for a low-carb diet for weight loss are two different things! Of course, with special precautions, diabetics can eat almost anything, but in order to truly lower blood sugar levels and keep them under control, strict conditions are required.

For diabetics, delicious meals should not only be low-calorie. The main recipe for dishes for diabetics is the minimum amount of carbohydrates that will be needed to stop attacks and a low glycemic load on the pancreas.

Let's take a rough look at the most popular dishes for diabetics, which are now being pushed by pseudo-medical websites.

Eggplant vs. Zucchini

Zucchini is better for diabetics than eggplant.

For raw zucchini to be tasty, it must be cut into noodles, which not everyone can do, and then marinated with spices and vinegar, which, alas, is also not very suitable for diabetics. Therefore, the best zucchini dishes on the diabetic menu are presented in the singular - this is homemade zucchini caviar, prepared without carrots.

Most people, having heard the phrase from a doctor: “You have diabetes,” are at first in a state of panic and disorientation.-2

We advise you to pay attention to eggplants as a regular side dish:

  • GI – 10 (this is the minimum for vegetables), GL – 0.45(!),
  • indicators do not change during frying or baking,
  • after freezing and subsequent cooking, the GN drops to 0.2(!),
  • eggplant caviar (100 g) – 5.09 g carbohydrates, 148 kcal, GI – 15, GL – 0.76 (!).

Important! Not all varieties of eggplant are suitable for diabetics. Some cause too much of a glycemic response.

Therefore, doctors recommend buying a couple of fruits for testing, preparing a dish, for example, pure eggplant, without zucchini, Ratatouille, and after taking the sample, measure your sugar levels with a glucometer. If everything is in order, make purchases for future use - process some of them for caviar, and freeze as much as possible.

Do you want to lower the GI of eggplant caviar? Prepare it from frozen fruits. By the way, there is no need to “salt” modern eggplant varieties for bitterness. Selection saved them from this unpleasant nuance.

Pumpkin, squash or carrots?

Many people think of squash as zucchini, but they are a plate-shaped variety of pumpkins.

Neither one, nor the other, nor the third! These definitely healthy vegetables, storehouses of vitamins and microelements, are considered dietary, but not for patients with diabetes. Combination: GI (75) + GL (3.15) + carbohydrates (4.2) - allows you to give pumpkins and squash only 5 out of the maximum 10 points of “usefulness” for diabetics.

Moreover, pumpkin dishes receive a 3, since heat treatment raises these indicators to 85, 8 and 10, respectively. Yes Yes! GN and the amount of carbohydrates increase more than 2 times.

Most people, having heard the phrase from a doctor: “You have diabetes,” are at first in a state of panic and disorientation.-3
Most people, when they hear a doctor say: “You have diabetes,” are at first in a state of panic and disorientation.-4

It's a little easier with carrots. In small quantities, raw root vegetables can be safely added to salads. And although his GI is 35, his GI is relatively small - 2.7.

However, those diabetics who are carried away by the newfangled side dish of boiled baby carrots should give it up. With hot cooking, significant diabetic indicators for carrots, both large and small, increase in the same way as for pumpkin and squash.

Debunking Jerusalem artichoke

Everyone has seen how Jerusalem artichoke grows, but not everyone knows what its tubers look like.

Jerusalem artichoke (Jerusalem artichoke, Chinese potato, Don turnip or earthen pear) is a valuable dietary root vegetable, which is prescribed with healing properties that help in the treatment of diabetes. Some websites even write that with the help of Jerusalem artichoke tubers, the body stores insulin for future use...

Most people, when they hear a doctor say: “You have diabetes,” are at first in a state of panic and disorientation.-5

Let's list the facts why raw root vegetables and Jerusalem artichoke dishes are harmful for diabetes:

  • The GI of Jerusalem artichoke is very high - 50, and the GI - 8.5,
  • carbohydrates (17 g) are represented by complex sugars (as in potatoes).

On a note. It is not the Jerusalem artichoke itself that is beneficial for diabetics, but the inulin contained in it. However, its concentration is minuscule. If you eat raw Jerusalem artichoke, you will not be able to achieve the concentration of this carbohydrate needed to control blood sugar, and if you heat the tubers, this is completely impossible. Nevertheless, diabetics can benefit from Jerusalem artichoke - they should not eat Jerusalem artichoke, but take inulin-containing dietary supplements.

Meat, meat products and offal

Not everyone loves beef kidneys; they are the best “meat” for a diabetic menu

Another “stumbling block” is meat dishes for diabetes.

Those who adhere to a low-carb diet for the purpose of losing weight can eat any type of meat, and even a little bit of lard, which in small quantities has a beneficial effect on the gallbladder. You just need to know when to stop - count calories, and use fresh green vegetables and spicy herbs as a side dish.

Most people, having heard the phrase from a doctor: “You have diabetes,” are at first in a state of panic and disorientation.-6

Patients with diabetes mellitus, especially type I, should adhere to the following postulates:

  • on weekdays, eat kidneys, chicken and turkey (without skin),
  • on holidays you can treat yourself to beef brains, lean beef cooked only in one piece, beef balyk, beef tongue, rabbit,
  • you should categorically forget about other types of meat, sausages and sausages, minced beef, beef chop.

For your information! You can eat liver dishes if you have diabetes, but not too often. The glycemic load of the liver is 2.67, and the glycemic index is high - as much as 50 units, so dishes from it received an overall rating of 6 out of 10 and fall into the category of holiday dishes for diabetics.

Cottage cheese and dishes made from it

Even the “empty” curd mass contains components that are not recommended for diabetics.

Diabetics can eat cottage cheese dishes, but not too often:

  • The GI of cottage cheese dishes can be different, since eggs, flour or semolina are usually added to them, but even with minimal use, the final “price” after cooking starts at 65 GI.
  • It’s better to eat natural, low-fat, “raw” cottage cheese, but limit it to 2-3 times a week, since its glycemic index ranges from 25-30.
Most people, when they hear a doctor say: “You have diabetes,” are at first in a state of panic and disorientation.-7

On a note. Due to the high fat content, it is better for diabetics to use hard cheeses only as a “seasoning”, and it is better to avoid processed cheeses altogether, or eat them only on major holidays.

Cranberry for diabetes

Small amounts of blueberries are healthier for diabetics than cranberries.

Modern marketers know their business well, and now, thanks to someone’s “light” hand, cranberry dishes for diabetes have become not only allowed, but also curative. Well, what is possible for diabetics and healthy people is even more useful - don’t be shy, we are more actively buying cranberries, and more of them!

Most people, having heard the phrase from a doctor: “You have diabetes,” are at first in a state of panic and disorientation.-8

Approximately the same confusion occurred with cranberries as with Jerusalem artichoke. It is not the berry itself or its juice that stimulates the pancreas, but an extract from the skin and tea from its leaves! By the way, blueberry and lingonberry leaves are no less useful, but the berries themselves, unlike cranberries, can be eaten in fairly large quantities.

Advice. For diabetics, fresh cranberries can be used exclusively as a sprinkling of seasoning or decoration for holiday meals, and can also be added very little to tea. It’s better not to look at the delicious dried cranberries at all. 100 g of these berries contain almost 400 kcal, and GL = 65.

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