Food against insomnia. Foods to eat at night


Food against insomnia

Any sleep disturbance can have a negative impact on your health, mood, mental and physical productivity. Therefore, it is imperative to get rid of insomnia. Sometimes medications help this.

But quite often, sleep disturbances can be dealt with by changing your work and rest schedule, paying more attention to your lifestyle, as well as... nutrition. By the way, even one night of poor sleep can be as harmful to the body as six months of poor nutrition.

It is well known that the quality and duration of sleep are negatively affected by coffee and caffeinated drinks, energy drinks, hard-to-digest foods, and eating dinner too late or too early.

But few people know that along with foods that are harmful to sleep, there are also healthy ones that help you fall asleep faster, sleep longer and more soundly.

What to eat to sleep?

Eating before bed - foods that help you sleep

Almond. The nut is rich in tryptophan, a substance that stimulates the production of serotonin (the happiness hormone) and melatonin (the sleep hormone), as well as magnesium, which helps relax the nervous system and muscles. In order to sleep soundly, you can simply eat a handful of almonds before bed.

Walnuts also contain magnesium and tryptophan, so they have the same sleep benefits as almonds.

Bananas . Contains potassium, magnesium and tryptophan, which naturally aid muscle relaxation. Bananas should be eaten no later than one hour before bedtime - this is about the time it takes for tryptophan to “reach” the brain and trigger the active production of melatonin.

Dairy products and cheese . Rich in calcium, which promotes relaxation. By the way, calcium deficiency is one of the possible causes of sleep disorders. A glass of warm milk before bed is a proven remedy against insomnia. If you add a teaspoon of honey to it, your sleep will become even stronger and sweeter.

Eggs are a major source of pure protein, which has a positive effect on the quality and duration of sleep. Eggs can be consumed in any form.

Sweet potatoes are rich in calcium, magnesium and potassium. These elements promote relaxation and improve sleep. You can make healthy plain sweet potato chips or bake the root vegetable as a side dish for dinner.

Hummus : This dish contains tryptophan, which promotes the production of amino acids that have a beneficial effect on sleep quality. Hummus can be consumed not only before bed, but also as a daytime snack.

Lettuce and young greens contain an abundance of magnesium and calcium, the positive effects of which on sleep we have already written about.

Brown rice . Rich in B vitamins , known for their positive effect on the nervous system, helping it relax.

Oatmeal . One serving of oatmeal contains calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, silicon and potassium - substances that promote good healthy sleep.

Fatty fish . A source of omega-3 fatty acids, as well as vitamin B6, which is necessary for the synthesis of melatonin. Hence the positive effect of fish products on the strength and duration of sleep. A fish dish for dinner will most likely help avoid insomnia.

Cherries and grapes are natural sources of melatonin. A bunch of grapes or a serving of cherries can help regulate your sleep cycle.

However, it is worth remembering that not only proper nutrition, but also an active lifestyle is also important for maintaining health and good sleep.

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