Which foods help you lose weight faster?


Which foods help you lose weight faster?

Of course, it is unlikely that you will be able to lose weight thanks to some miracle product, because high-quality healthy weight loss requires certain conditions: a balanced diet, moderate calorie intake and regular physical activity, but there are still some products that help you lose weight. Include them in your diet and lose weight healthy.

9 healthy foods for weight loss

1. Foods containing healthy fats and Omega-3

We get monounsaturated fats, without which our body cannot function normally, from eating plant foods. These are olives, olive oil, nuts, avocados.

While saturated fats contain mainly animal products: meat, milk, eggs, cheese. Excess of these fats can negatively affect your health and weight.

Oily fish is a storehouse of protein and omega-3 fatty acids, another food that helps with weight loss.

Omega-3 promotes the production of substances that minimize inflammatory processes in the body and stimulates the production of the joy hormone - serotonin. This means that omega will protect us from emotional overeating.

Omega-3 fatty acids improve muscle tone and skin condition. The functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized and fat metabolism is stabilized. Foods rich in Omega-3 really help you lose weight quickly.

2. Products containing dietary fiber

source of dietary fiber

Is it possible to eat little and feel full for a long time? Of course, dietary fiber is also irreplaceable in this regard. It is this miracle product that has the excellent ability to saturate. Vegetables and fruits, whole grains, nuts and seeds are a good source of dietary fiber.

Give preference to fresh vegetables , since the structure of dietary fiber in them is not disturbed. But this is provided that there are no diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. If you have problems with the digestive system, it is better to stew, boil, or steam vegetables.

Culinary cheat sheet

How long to cook vegetables:

  • beets – up to 60 min.,
  • broccoli – 4-6 min.,
  • finely chopped cabbage –5-10,
  • cauliflower – 4-6,
  • finely chopped carrots – 5-10 min.,
  • chopped potatoes – 15-20,
  • spinach – 2-5,
  • zucchini – 3-5 min.

3. Fruits and berries

Fruits and berries are relatively low in calories and high in dietary fiber, which helps control appetite.

Japanese scientists have proven that if you eat 100 grams of fresh berries 30 minutes before meals, you can lose weight. Berries contain lipolytic enzymes that help in fat metabolism.

4. Whole grain cereals

Whole grain cereals, in addition to healthy fibers, contain important microelements and vitamins . This product is not ground, and the grains retain their shell, which contains substances important to health. Brown and wild rice, oatmeal, buckwheat are healthy cereals for those losing weight. They improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract and normalize the absorption of fats.

For example, oatmeal contains tryptophan, which improves mood. And this is very important for those people who experience emotional hunger while on a diet.

5. Protein foods

Protein products

They are key in the menu of those losing weight, as they help the growth of muscle mass, reduce appetite and increase the feeling of satiety. Excellent sources of protein are poultry, fish, seafood, cottage cheese, tofu and legumes, eggs.

Eating a protein-fat breakfast saturates the body for a long time. It has been proven that those who prefer to eat eggs for breakfast do not feel hungry even after 3-4 hours, unlike those who eat buns.

To calculate your individual protein intake, you need to know your ideal weight. It can be calculated using special mobile applications - ideal weight calculators. For weight loss, the ideal protein ratio is 1.5–2 grams per 1 kilogram of ideal weight. The amount of protein in a product can be found on the label, but keep in mind that it also contains fats and carbohydrates.

6. Probiotic foods

Probiotic Products

They contain live bacteria, which, when entering the body, restore the intestinal microflora. They improve digestion, reduce bloating and eliminate constipation. Probiotics are found both in fermented foods (cabbage, dill, cucumbers) and in fermented milk (kefir, yogurt, sour cream).

For example, kefir is included in the diet menu due to its low calorie content (100 ml of 2.5% contains only 50 calories). There are three main reasons why you should love kefir: it is rich in protein, satisfies hunger and reduces appetite. Due to the presence of fermented milk bacteria and other beneficial microorganisms, kefir normalizes the intestinal microflora and supports the immune system.

It has been scientifically proven that obesity disrupts the microflora, and vice versa: a change in the intestinal microflora in the body can lead to excess weight. The University of Washington conducted a study: microflora was extracted from the intestines of a fat mouse and transplanted into the intestines of a normal mouse. As a result, the healthy animal began to gain weight.

7. Diet meat

Lean meat

Chicken, rabbit, turkey and veal are considered dietary meats with less fat and more protein, which is also more quickly absorbed.

To ensure that the meat is digested as much as possible, we recommend passing it through a meat grinder before cooking. Also, meat products are better absorbed in combination with fiber (prepare side dishes from vegetables).

8. Bean products

Bean products

Contains vegetable protein, which helps control appetite and satisfies well. It also protects muscles from breakdown during weight loss. Legumes are low in fat and calories. This allows you to control your food intake and create an energy deficit for weight loss. Chickpeas, lentils, beans, peas are very useful for losing weight.

8. Greens


Salads with greens are low in calories, which creates an energy deficit. Dietary fiber reduces the possibility of overeating and helps control appetite. Vitamins, minerals and antioxidants from greens improve all metabolic processes in the body. Many types of leafy green vegetables, from kale to lettuce, offer health benefits.

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