Dietary Guidelines : What Foods Can You Eat on the Atkins Diet?

Atkins Diet

The Atkins diet is similar to the Dukan diet and the keto system known to many dieters. It involves limiting the diet by eliminating foods containing carbohydrates.

Atkins Diet

According to the author of the method, carbohydrates are the main reason for gaining extra pounds.

Before we move on to the analysis of the basic principles of this weight loss method, let's delve into history. The creator of the diet is Robert Atkins, a cardiologist from the USA. Since the mid-20th century, he has been developing his own nutrition system that would help his patients fight cardiovascular diseases.

His research became known after the publication of the book "Dr. Atkins' Diet Revolution" in 1972. There, the doctor outlined in detail the basic concepts and principles of the method.

After 20 years, he published another book, “The New Revolutionary Diet of Dr. Atkins,” where he supplemented the previously published edition, introduced additional points and clarifications.

This nutrition system could not fail to interest scientists. First of all, they checked its effectiveness and safety for the body. It was found that it really helps to lose weight. But a long stay on a protein diet has a negative effect on the body.

All information presented in the article is for informational purposes only and is not a guide to action. To bring your body to a normal weight and not harm your health,

The Doctor Bormental clinic has its own patented method of losing weight and maintaining the result, with the help of which more than half a million people have already lost weight. More about it here.

How and why does it work?

According to Dr. Atkins, obesity and its associated health problems (type 2 diabetes, heart disease) are the natural result of the typical "American diet" - a high-carbohydrate, low-fat diet.

Atkins assures that a person losing weight does not need to avoid fatty cuts of meat or trim excess fat. It is enough to start controlling carbohydrates, trying to reduce their consumption to a minimum.

It is carbohydrates, according to the creator of the diet, that lead to imbalances in blood sugar levels, weight gain and cardiovascular diseases.

It turns out that the main part of the menu is protein and fats. Atkins explains it in his book as follows:

  • Carbohydrates are the main source of energy.

  • They are quickly broken down in the body into simple compounds.

  • When their intake into the body is limited, active fat burning begins.

  • The so-called ketosis process is launched - carbohydrate starvation, during which lipids are consumed to meet energy needs.

    The restriction occurs due to the exclusion of "pure" carbohydrates from the diet. This is sugar and products containing it.

The Atkins system states that the amount of "net carbs" in a food is the total carbohydrate content minus the fiber.

For example, if a half cup of raw broccoli contains 2.3 grams of total carbs and 1.3 grams of fiber, then the "net carbs" amount is 1 gram.

What is the principle of losing weight?

Carbohydrates are considered a universal source of energy. When they stop entering the body, it has no choice but to use reserve resources. These are precisely fat deposits.

The body burns fat and the person gets rid of excess weight. At the same time, physical exercise, according to the creator of the diet, is desirable, but not mandatory.

Although Atkins claims that his diet does not restrict a person's daily calorie intake, this is not true.

By eliminating foods containing sugar, the daily calorie intake is sharply limited, which leads to weight loss. But this will work in any case, even if there are carbohydrates in the menu.

The diet is based on five basic principles:

  • minimizing the consumption of simple carbohydrates;

  • avoiding fasting or overeating;

  • compliance with water consumption standards;

  • taking vitamin complexes;

  • regular physical activity.

Atkins Food Pyramid

The main difference is revealed when compiling the menu. Atkins offered his patients his "food pyramid", arranging them in a sequence corresponding to his nutrition system:

  1. The first step, the foundation. Protein foods: lean poultry, lean beef, pork, fish, chicken eggs, seafood.

  2. Second stage. Vegetables containing a minimum amount of starch.

  3. Atkins suggests including in your diet: cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, greens, bell peppers, broccoli, zucchini, eggplant, carrots, asparagus, celery.

  1. Third step. Fruits - it is recommended to eat avocado, pears, apples and some berries (cherries, blueberries, raspberries).

  2. Step four. Products whose portions must be carefully monitored and controlled.

  3. This includes vegetable oils and fatty dairy products (sour cream, cream, cheese).

  1. The last step. Foods that are recommended to be excluded or reduced to a minimum.

  2. These are flour and confectionery products, sweets.

When preparing meals, Atkins allows the use of various spices: curry, cumin, cinnamon, pepper, garlic.

Phases of the diet

Another distinctive feature of the diet is the presence of four phases, each of which involves the consumption of certain products and has a specific goal:

  • Induction that starts the process of ketosis.

  • Weight loss.

  • Gradual transition to weight stabilization.

  • Saving the obtained result.

Let's take a closer look at each phase of such a power supply system.

Introductory phase - induction

The first stage is called induction. It involves the transition to ketosis, a state in which carbohydrate starvation of cells begins.

Dr. Atkins believed that it triggered fat burning processes. Due to the lack of energy, the body has to break down lipids to maintain the body's viability.

As already mentioned, the goal of the Atkins diet is to correct metabolic processes.

How can you check if ketosis has started in your body?

This can be done using an express test (sold in pharmacies). For weight loss, it is important that the level of ketones in the urine is from 2 to 110 mmol / l. If the indicators are lower, ketosis has not started, if the test shows above 110 mmol, this can be dangerous to health, so you urgently need to increase your carbohydrate intake.

The duration of the induction phase should not exceed two weeks.

The general principles during this time are as follows:

  • reducing the daily carbohydrate intake to 25 grams;

  • Counting "clean" sugar-containing foods;

  • complete exclusion of alcohol and caffeine;

  • meals by the clock: up to five meals daily at intervals of 2-3 hours;

  • portion control;

  • compliance with water standards;

  • taking a vitamin complex as prescribed by a doctor.

Food should be cooked without adding oil, mayonnaise, or various fatty sauces. It is recommended to use stewing, baking in the oven, or steaming.

During this phase, carbohydrates come primarily from salads and vegetables that are low in starch. The dieter consumes fatty, high-protein, low-carbohydrate foods, such as leafy greens.

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