8 Tips to avoid insomnia


Sleep is a great blessing that can only be appreciated by those who are deprived of it. Insomnia is one of the most annoying sleep problems, and the person suffering from it is the one who is unable to sleep peacefully and continuously at night. The person may face one of the following problems: waking up early, waking up frequently, or waking up late. Which prevents him from practicing the various activities of his daily life properly, causing a lack of concentration and attention to everything that is happening around him. 

The causes of insomnia range from psychological, organic, behavioral, or environmental causes. To treat insomnia, you must first know that insomnia is of two types: 

1-  Acute insomnia: This is the result of occasional circumstances, such as temporary psychological pressures, or time differences resulting from travel or shift work, and the treatment is In this case, the incidental circumstance disappears. Read also: The torment of the grave in the Qur’anic references and the Prophet’s statement The facts of history before us 

2-  Chronic insomnia: Firstly, the main cause of insomnia must be determined. If the cause is psychological, a psychiatric and neurological doctor must be visited to find a treatment for the problem. Psychological treatment, which automatically treats insomnia, but if the problem is organic, as in cases of respiratory arrest and excessive movement during sleep, the solution here is to visit a doctor who specializes in treating sleep problems and disorders, and thus treats insomnia as well. However, if the reason stems from the individual’s own behavior, a behavioral treatment plan must be developed to correct the individual’s behavior and improve his sleeping habits.

 Among the correct sleeping habits that an insomnia patient must follow are the following: 

1- You should try to relax before sleeping, as a person who continues to work until his bedtime usually finds it difficult to fall asleep. 

2- Avoid forcing yourself to sleep, and instead do some quiet activities that relax the nerves, such as reading or watching TV.

3- Go to bed only when you feel sleepy.

4- Do not stay in bed too much while you are awake, and limit your stay in bed to the period you need to sleep. 

5- Regular sleeping and waking up times.

6- Tryto exercise regularly, as exercise helps you sleep better.

7- Try to reduce drinking stimulants such as coffee and tea about 6 hours before bedtime.

8- Avoid smoking before bedtime.

9- A light meal before bed may help you sleep. We warn people suffering from insomnia against incorrectly using sleeping medications without consulting a specialist doctor, as the harm in this case is much greater than the benefit. Knowing the underlying cause of insomnia is the key to treatment. partner

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