Sore throat

sore throat

 Symptoms of sore throat

Symptoms of sore throat caused bytonsillitis (Tonsillitis) are mostly:

Pain in the throat and pharynx area.

body's temperature raising.

Head pain.

Appearance of light spots in the throat and tonsils.

Pain when swallowing.

Redness and swelling of the tonsils.

Swelling and pain in the jaw and lymph nodes.

Abdominal pain especially in children.

Vomiting, especially in children.

Causes and risk factors of sore throat

Sore throat may occur due to several factors, and appears as a primary symptom in many difficult diseases related to the upper respiratory tract and inflammation of the esophagus. The causes of the disease and the risk factors associated with it are as follows:

1. The most important causes of sore throat

A sore throat may result from the following:


Doctors believe thatViruses are the primary factor responsible for the majority of sore throat cases

As is known, there is no drug to treat viral sore throats. However, statistics indicate that 60% of those infected may receive treatment with antibiotics, although a large portion of them will be ineffective and will have no effect on the course of the disease.


The most common types of bacteria that may cause a sore throat are Streptococcus (Streptococcus) and Arganobacterium haemolyticus (Arcanobacteriumhaemolyticum), especially in adolescents, and sometimes associated with a mild red rash.


The tonsils are located in the back of the pharynx. When this area is infected with a virus or bacteria, it becomes irritated, and the tonsils swell larger than their normal size. This symptom is accompanied by a sore throat, fever, and difficulties in swallowing.

Different treatments

In certain cases, a sore throat may appear due to antibiotic treatment, chemotherapy, or any medication that affects the immune system.

A sore throat that lasts for more than two weeks at a time may indicate the presence of a chronic disease.

2. Risk factors for sore throat

There are several factors that may cause a sore throat, including the following:


Inhaling polluted air.

Breathe dry air through the mouth.

Various allergies include dust.

Complications of sore throat

The most important complications that may occur when sore throat symptoms worsen:


Abscess around the tonsils.

Inflammation of the submandibular space.

Inflammation of the posterior pharyngeal space.

The appearance of the first symptoms of AIDS.

FeverRheumatism (Rheumatic fever).

Diagnosis of sore throat

In some cases, it is not possible to definitively differentiate between viral sore throat and bacterial sore throat based on clinical symptoms only, and then a throat swab must be taken and analyzed to find out the cause.

Treating sore throat

A sore throat recovers automatically without medical intervention after the illness has taken enough time. However, if a sore throat is accompanied by a high temperature, it is preferable to consult and intervene with a doctor, and treatment is through the following methods:

1. Treating sore throat symptoms

Treating sore throat comes with the aim of relieving the symptoms of the disease such as pain, difficulty swallowing, headache, andhigh temperature and others. Therefore, treating sore throat The favorite ring is:

Gargling with hot and salty water: helps sterilize the affected area.

Using sucking tablets to relieve pain: The process of sucking tablets increases the concentration of saliva in the mouth and helps moisturize the painful area.

Steamer: Using this device may relieve symptoms, especially in cases of sore throat caused by dry air and mouth breathing.

Spray: These sprays moisturize the mouth and contain pain relievers.

Taking medications: Oral pain relief.

In some difficult cases, in which the sick person did not respond to any of the previously described treatment and still suffers from problems and difficulty swallowing, doctors prescribe the possibility of treatment with glucocorticoids, which would help the patient overcome the difficulty of the symptoms of the disease.

2. Treating sore throat with home methods

You can use the following household ingredients that may help you relieve and treat a sore throat:

Lemon: It helps get rid of the mucus stuck in the throat area. You can drink fresh lemon juice with Honey.

Apple cider vinegar: It is characterized by its antibacterial properties, which help in getting rid of sore throat.

Cinnamon: It has been used Cinnamon since ancient times to treat sore throat resulting from the common cold.Cinnamon: a>

Garlic: has antiseptic and antibacterial properties that help treat sore throats. Take a pill of raw garlic Once daily

Honey: It has antibacterial properties that work to combat the cause of sore throat. Add it to a cup of tea or lemonade.

Prevention of sore throat

Keep washing your hands well.

Sitting away from infected people.

Drink plenty of fluids.

Eat healthy.

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