Treating back pain with 6 different and proven methods

 Who among us has not suffered at some point in our life from back pain of varying severity? Who among us has not sought treatment for back pain? Back pain is an inevitable result of the healthy lifestyle we follow. Most of us work long hours in office jobs that require us to sit all day in front of a computer.

This harsh lifestyle without enough time for swimming or exercising will eventually lead tosevere back pain that can become a cause. It hinders a person's life - and results in other - secondary - pain, such as neck and shoulder pain.

What is the treatment for back pain?

1- Painkillers

There are many over-the-counter pain relievers available in pharmacies that can relieve mild to moderate back pain as well.

Back pain may require relatively strong painkillers to be successful in alleviating it. However, the use of painkillers should not be for a period exceeding two weeks, because excessive use of painkillers becomes a cover that obscures the underlying problem without treating it, and may even be a reason for delaying its treatment if it exists.

Analgesics such as Voltaren may relieve pain rather than create new stomach problems if they are not used or taken in excess, so they should be taken on a full stomach and in moderation.

2- Swimming

It is the most important treatment for back pain because swimming provides a magical solution to back and neck problems resulting from fatigue and pressure, as swimming relieves the vertebrae of the spine from pressure and prevents the formation of back and neck discs in the long term.

3- Back, neck and shoulder massage sessions

Back problems are often linked to other neck and shoulder problems. It is possible to get massage sessions to gently massage the back, neck and shoulders, which contributes to alleviating pain to a great extent.

You must be careful that getting a massage session from a non-specialist can result in additional pain and real damage. Always turn to a physical therapist for better results.

4- Muscle relaxants

One of the treatments for back pain: Muscle relaxing medications can be a solution to combat back pain, as in many cases it is caused by muscle tension in the back muscles. Muscle relaxants relax the back muscles and remove the tension on them, making the back relax and the pain go away.

It should be noted that it is necessary to take muscle relaxants before going to sleep, because these medications can affect your ability to carry out your daily life activities. Be careful not to drive while under the influence of muscle relaxants.

5- Yoga

Practicing relaxation and yoga exercises may be all you need to deal with back pain, which is often the result of pressure, tension, and sitting in wrong positions for long periods.

6- Sit correctly

Choose the right chair and the appropriate sitting position, especially if your work depends on sitting for long periods at a desk. Treating back pain is not only with painkillers and massage sessions, but also by avoiding aggravation of the problem and putting incorrect pressure on the vertebrae.

Sitting in the correct position ensures that back pain is relieved or at least that the pain does not increase and the problem does not worsen.


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